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castle - Germany
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Ahrensburg CastleRating: 7.40
A snow-white square-shaped castle located in a small town of the same name, not far from Hamburg. There is a well-kept English-style park around the castle, read more...

Brake castleRating: 7.40
Weser Renaissance castle in the city of Lemgo. A distinctive feature is the seven-story tower, read more...

Lichtenwalde Castle and ParkRating: 7.40
The original castle complex was built around 1230 by the Margraves of Meißen. In 1280 the castle was ruled by a knight named Heidenreich von Lichtenwalde, after whom the castle got it's name, read more...

Eltz CastleRating: 7.20

Eltz Castle is one of the most beautiful medieval buildings in Germany. It had never been destroyed or captured. The castle ..., read more...

Berlepsch castleRating: 7.20
The defensive castle of Berlepsch was built in the 14th century right in the middle of the forest. Few times it was destroyed and rebuilt, and received it's current shape in 1880-90. The castle is interesting first of all for its romantic silhouette, read more...

German Fairy Tale RouteRating: 7.20
Germany has many interesting routes, one of which is designed specifically for trips with children - Fairy Tale Route. The places on this route are not imaginary, but quite real. The most famous German writers - the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm loved to travel and collect different stories. Places where they heard and recorded fairy tales were included in this this route, read more...

Flechtingen water castleRating: 7.20
The picturesque castle on the shore of the pond, surrounded on all sides by water, read more...

Kalkhorst CastleRating: 7.20
The castle stands on the territory of the feudal estate, founded in the 14th century. The modern, neo-Gothic building was built in the years 1853-1874. The general design of the estate was created by the architect Conrad Wilhelm Hase, known for many buildings, for example, the best castle in Lower Saxony - Marienburg, read more...

OldenburgRating: 7.20
Oldenburg is best known as the medieval residence of the dynasty of the same name. Until 1773, the Earl of Oldenburg was also the king of Denmark, which means the weight of the title was huge, read more...

Rheda castleRating: 7.20
The original medieval castle on this site first mentioned in documents in 1170. The castle complex was built by Widukind von Rheda, who passed it on to the noble lords of Lippe. From the beginning of the 17th century, the complex was enlarged and became the princely residence of the Bentheim-Tecklenburg dynasty. Members of the princely family still own the castle and the park, read more...

OsnabrueckRating: 7.00

Like many cities in Germany, Osnabrück was completely destroyed during the war. The city is standard, with restored historic center, Market ..., read more...

Haemelschenburg CastleRating: 7.00

Hämelschenburg Castle was built between 1588 and 1618. It belongs to the Weser Renaissance. Southern wing of the Italian Renaissance style ..., read more...

DetmoldRating: 7.00
Detmold is a small town, administrative center of the Lippe district. The castle on an island in the center of the town was first mentioned in 1366. Some walls have survived from that time, read more...

Burg CastleRating: 7.00

The Burg Castle has quite an unusual name for a German castle. It's like a dog of Lt. Colombo, which ..., read more...

Hardenberg Castle and PalaceRating: 7.00

The Hardenberg Castle and Hardenberg Palace are located close to each other and belong to the noble Hardenberg family.


Ettersburg CastleRating: 7.00

Castle Ettersburg is located outside Weimar, but is included in a large list of Weimar's objects of the UNESCO World ..., read more...

Bruche castleRating: 7.00
A small castle-palace of the first half of the 18th century. You can walk freely on the territory, although it ..., read more...

Bevern castleRating: 7.00
If you do not know how the buildings of the Renaissance look like, then you must visit the castle of Bevern. This is almost the most characteristic building in the whole of Germany, read more...

Schwoebber castleRating: 7.00
Luxurious five-star hotel, located in the castle of the 16th century. It was built by Hilmar von Münchhausen on the location of the old knightly fortress. By name, you can guess that it was the ancestor of the famous Baron Munchausen, read more...

Jever Castle (Schlossmuseum Jever)Rating: 7.00
The castle was founded in the 14th century, at that time, as a fortress. And got a modern look in the 15-16 centuries.

It is curious that in 1793 the city was inherited by Empress Catherine II, so it moved to the Russian crown. Such situations were possible before the reunification of Germany, during the time of individual kingdoms and independent cities. Catherine received the city after the death of her brother, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, read more...

Querfurt CastleRating: 7.00
Querfurt is a large medieval castle, since the 15th century it is surrounded by fortress walls and has repeatedly participated in the battles of the Thirty Years War, read more...

Neustadt am RuebenbergeRating: 7.00
A small town near Hanover. Here you can find the castle, the park near it, and a small old town, read more...

Wildeck castle (Schloss Wildeck)Rating: 7.00
A former hunting castle located on a cliff top in the town of Zschopau. The first information about the castle dates back to 1299 and at that time it consisted of only one defense tower, located on the site of the present-day Dicken Heinrich tower. Its height was 20 meters and the entrance was at a height of 14 meters, which allowed only one man to defend the tower, read more...

BraunschweigRating: 6.80
Braunschweig is the second largest city in Lower Saxony. Until November 1918 it was the capital of the Duchy of ..., read more...

HeidelbergRating: 6.80

Heidelberg is best known for its university. Heidelberg University was founded in 1386 and is the oldest and one of ..., read more...

Gustrow CastleRating: 6.80

In the city of Gustrow stands perfectly preserved Renaissance castle. Its construction began by Duke Ulrich of Mecklenburg in 1558 ..., read more...

Castle WesterburgRating: 6.80
The oldest water castle in Germany,

SalzgitterRating: 6.80
Salzgitter, one of the cities in Germany with a special administrative structure. It consists of many separate towns, so you just can't find the city of Salzgitter on the map, read more...

Ippenburg Castle (Schloss Ippenburg)Rating: 6.80
Aristocratic residence in the neo-Gothic style, built on the site of older, ruined estates, in 1862 - 1867. Belongs to the von dem Bussche-Ippenburg family for over 600 years. The castle and the park are known as a place of annual garden festivals, read more...

Wolkenstein castle (Schloss Wolkenstein)Rating: 6.80
Castle Wolkenstein was first mentioned in documents in the 13th century. From 1378, Wolkenstein was the seat of the Waldenburg family. After the death of the last Waldenburger in 1473, the estate passed to the territorial rulers of Wettin, read more...

Park in LuetetsburgRating: 6.60

In a small town of Lütetsburg in northern Germany lies a beautiful old park. It was founded by Baron Edzard Mauritz ..., read more...

Castle in StadthagenRating: 6.60

Stadthagen is a small town near Hannover. It belongs to the towns of Weser Renaissance, mainly because of an ancient ..., read more...

HalleRating: 6.60

Halle is one of those cities that are not small by the standards of Germany, but is still considered as ..., read more...

Winsen (Luhe)Rating: 6.60
Winsen is a town near Hamburg with a small old center. You can stop by to see the 700-year-old castle ..., read more...

Iburg CastleRating: 6.60
Iburg Castle is a former abbey where prince-bishops of Osnabrück lived for 600 years. There is small garden near the castle designed by Martin Charbonnier, better known for the Royal Gardens in Hanover. Gardens in Hanover, by the way, was ordered by Princess Sophia, who was born and grew up in this castle and later became the first Prussian Queen. And her brother George I, who also spent all his childhood in this castle, in 1714 became king of the Great Britain and Nothern Island, read more...

Westerwinkel castleRating: 6.60
One of the earliest baroque castles in Westphalia, built in the 17th century. Was not rebuilt, so now you can see the original, 350-year-old castle, read more...

Leuchtenburg castleRating: 6.60
The picturesque castle on the hill, first mentioned in 1221. Throughout the history, it took part in many battles and was a refuge during the wars, read more...

Huelshoff castleRating: 6.60
Beautiful water castle near Münster. From 1417 belonged to the noble family of von Hulshoff, the castle hosts their museum , read more...

Castle Gross SchwanseeRating: 6.60
We found this castle by accident, just saw a road sign. The territory here is small, you will go around it in 20 minutes. In addition to the castle, the seashore is just around the corner, so you can also take a walk there, read more...

Wohldenberg Castle (Burg Wohldenberg)Rating: 6.60
Small and little known ruins of a castle dating back to 1153. Although most of it is not preserved, the castle is located in a forest and is quite picturesque, read more...

Derneburg castle (Schloss Derneburg)Rating: 6.60
Since 1213, there was a monastery on the site, which was confiscated in favor of the state in 1803. King Georg III donated the abandoned former monastery of Derneburg and its property to the Hanoverian minister Ernst Friedrich Herbert zu Münster, read more...

Schoeningen Castle and Park (Schloss Schoeningen)Rating: 6.60
A former hunting lodge built by Duke Welf Magnus I. (Welfenherzog Magnus I.) in Schöningen in the first half of the 14th century, read more...

BlankenburgRating: 6.40

Blankenburg is a tourist town near the Harz mountains in eastern Germany. It is located 10 kilometers from Wernigerode, ..., read more...

Three castles Drei GleichenRating: 6.40
The complex of three castles located on the hills in the middle of the fields. The place is quite famous, as the castles are located near one of the German autobahns, read more...

Huelsede Castle (Wasserschloss Huelsede)Rating: 6.40
The first building on this site was first mentioned in 1310. In the 16th century the castle was fortified with moats. In 1584, it passed into the hands of the Von Mengersen family, who reconstructed it in the Weser Renaissance style. Also farm buildings were attached, they still exist nowadays, read more...

Benkhausen castle (Schloss Benkhausen)Rating: 6.40
The castle was built between 1657 and 1683 and has not been rebuilt since. The castle building itself is not particularly interesting, but in combination with the other buildings of the estate and especially the castle park, it leaves a pleasant impression. Entrance is free, so if you're in the neighborhood, be sure to take a walk in the park, read more...

Ringelheim CastleRating: 6.20

Ringelheim Castle is a former monastery, founded in the tenth century. Around the castle there's an English style park with a ..., read more...

Lembeck castleRating: 6.20
The construction of the castle began in 1190, when Count of Lembek built the first defensive tower. Its remains can be found in the north wing. The castle itself was built around the tower during the next 450 years. It stands on two islands, in the middle of the lake. This is a typical structure for the castles of North Rhine-Westphalia, read more...

Falkenstein Castle in HarzRating: 6.20
Falkenstein Castle in the Harz mountains was built between 1120 and 1150 years. It did not take part in the battles and was used as a living house for local counts. At the moment it houses a small museum and is used as a venue for weddings and various events, read more...

Schlitz castleRating: 6.20
Was built in 1806 in the style of classicism by Count Hans von Schlitz on the location of the old ruined castle, read more...

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