bridge - Germany
Cologne | Rating: 8.60 |
Cologne is a major economic and cultural center, a very well known and promoted city, mainly due to its famous ..., read more... |
Bastei | Rating: 8.40 |
Bastei (Bastion) is the most beautiful place in the Saxon Switzerland National Park. This are sandstone cliffs that form bizarre ..., read more... |
Regensburg | Rating: 8.00 |
Regensburg is an ancient city on the banks of the Danube with a rich history. Nowadays known primarily for its bridge, which is a symbol of the city, read more... |
Ruhrtal bridge | Rating: 7.80 |
The Ruhrtal Bridge in Mülheim-Mintard is the longest steel-bridge in Germany and one of Europe’s biggest bridge construction projects after ..., read more... |
Wuerzburg | Rating: 7.60 |
Würzburg is little known among foreign tourists. This Baroque city is located in the heart of Germany, while most tourists ..., read more... |
Devil's Bridge (Rakotzbrücke) | Rating: 7.60 |
One of Germany's most famous bridges, which can often be seen on Instagram. In reality, it is not even a real bridge, but an art object located in the middle of a rhododendron park, read more... |
Suspension bridge Titan-RT in Harz mountains | Rating: 7.20 |
In the spring of 2017, the world's longest Titan-RT suspension bridge was opened in the Harz mountains in Germany. Its total length is 483 meters, suspended - 453 meters. The bridge is used only as an attraction and does not have any practical purpose. So far, longer suspension bridges have already been built in several countries around the world, including Germany, read more... |
Water bridges in Hannover | Rating: 7.00 |
Due to the construction of a network of navigable canals, water bridges began to appear in Germany. We have already visited similar structures in Magdeburg and Minden, and now we found bridges in Hannover as well, read more... |
Magdeburg Water Bridge | Rating: 6.60 |
The longest water bridge in the world (as of 2019), 918 meters long. Such bridges appear because of the construction of water channels, which sometimes pass at a different height than the rivers, read more... |