island - Germany
Ploen Castle and Prinzeninsel Island | Rating: 7.80 |
The city of Plön stands on the rather large Lake Großer Plöner See in the heart of the Holstein Switzerland natural park (Naturpark Holsteinische Schweiz). It is curious that in many countries natural parks are compared with Switzerland, read more... |
Wilhelmstein Island on Lake Steinhude | Rating: 6.80 |
In the middle of Lake Steinhude, there is a small artificial island built by Count Wilhelm Schaumburg-Lippe in 1761, read more... |
Sylt Island | Rating: 6.60 |
If you think that the most expensive real estate in Germany is in Munich or in Hamburg, you think wrong. The three most expensive streets of the country are located on the island of Sylt in the North Sea, read more... |
Helgoland | Rating: 5.80 |
Helgoland for a long time remained the last region of Germany, which we did not visit. Now I'm ready to say that this is the most interesting place in the country and what is important very few people have heard about it. It was really difficult to get here with overnight stay, read more... |