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city - Germany
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New district Uberseestadt in BremenRating: 9.00
Today we will walk through the new district of Bremen Überseestadt, which can be translated as the City above the Water, read more...

HamburgRating: 8.80

This time, we visited the largest in the world miniatur museum Miniatur Wunderland and walked around the city center, read more...

HafenCity Hamburg - Europe's largest urban redevelopment projectRating: 8.80
Hafen City is a major development project in Germany and the largest urban inner city redevelopment project in Europe (220 hectares), read more...

BerlinRating: 8.60

Surprisingly, Berlin is often not considered by mass tourists as a tourist city. We began our journey to Germany in the capital and did not regret it, read more...

CologneRating: 8.60

Cologne is a major economic and cultural center, a very well known and promoted city, mainly due to its famous ..., read more...

DuesseldorfRating: 8.60

Düsseldorf is the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia. This city is not often included in tourist routes and is not associated with ..., read more...

DresdenRating: 8.60
Dresden - one of the most famous tourist cities in Germany. Taking into account it's beauty and number of attractions ..., read more...

GifhornRating: 8.60
A town in Lower Saxony. The main attraction is the International Windmill and Watermill Museum, which has mills from more than 10 countries, read more...

BielefeldRating: 8.60

We had heard about Bielefeld long before we visited it. The fact is that the city is a famous Internet meme in Germany. In 1994, some jokers started a rumor that Bielefeld, in fact, does not exist. The joke became so popular that even Angela Merkel used it. And the mayor's office offers a million euros to anyone who can prove that the city does not exist, read more...

PotsdamRating: 8.40

Potsdam is a suburb of Berlin. Being relatively small, the city has an incredible number of attractions and rich history. ..., read more...

Baden-BadenRating: 8.40

Baden-Baden is the most famous mineral water resort in Germany. In 1931, the town of Baden-Baden was officially given its ..., read more...

GothaRating: 8.40

Gotha was visited by us accidentally. We missed the next train and had to spend somehow 2 hours. After the ..., read more...

BremerhavenRating: 8.40

City of Bremerhaven is a port of Bremen. Together they form a separate and the smallest land in Germany. City is fairly new (founded in 1827) and located on the seafront, so almost all of the attractions are connected with the sea, read more...

HildesheimRating: 8.20

Hildesheim is a city 25 kilometers south-east of Hannover. It was badly damaged in 1945, during the Second World ..., read more...

CelleRating: 8.20

Celle is a town in Lower Saxony, 35 kilometers from Hannover. It will be interesting to fans of half-timbered ..., read more...

WolfenbuettelRating: 8.20

Wolfenbüttel is a small town 12 km from Braunschweig and 60 km from Hannover. The town is well-known in ..., read more...

Bad PyrmontRating: 8.20

Bad Pyrmont is a resort with more than 500-year history. There are about 50 towns in Germany with the "Bad" ..., read more...

KoblenzRating: 8.20

Koblenz is a good place to stay overnight if you want to see the Rhine valley. We found the ..., read more...

BremenRating: 8.00

Bremen is known throughout the world for the Bremen Town Musicians. Monument to the Musicians of Bremen by sculptor Gerhard Marcks was established in 1951 in the downtown and is a symbol of the city. Bronze sculpture resresents the main characters: a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster standing on each other in the shape of a pyramid, read more...

Goslar and Rammelsberg MineRating: 8.00

Goslar is a small town in Lower Saxony, at the foot of the Harz Mountains. The main attraction of Goslar ..., read more...

BambergRating: 8.00

Bamberg is one of the few German cities that survived the war. In 1993, the historical center was listed as ..., read more...

WernigerodeRating: 8.00

Idea to visit Wernigerode came to us after watching the Soviet movie "The Very Same Munchhausen" (1979). This is ..., read more...

RegensburgRating: 8.00
Regensburg is an ancient city on the banks of the Danube with a rich history. Nowadays known primarily for its bridge, which is a symbol of the city, read more...

Sankt Peter-OrdingRating: 8.00
St. Peter-Ording is the mayor resort of Schleswig-Holstein, the only seaside resort in Germany with a sulphur spring. The geography of this place is very interesting. The coast is very flat and tides can be up to 3 meters. Therefore, between the sandy beach and the hotels is a 1 kilometer buffer zone, read more...

MunichRating: 7.80

Munich is one of the largest cities in Germany. It is the second most visited city in Germany, after Berlin. And Bavaria is the most visited region in the country, read more...

NurembergRating: 7.80

Nuremberg is one of the first cities that are visited by tourists who stay in Munich. In the Middle Ages it was one of the largest cities in Europe, read more...

QuedlinburgRating: 7.80

Quedlinburg is called the reserve of German Fachwerk (half-timbered architecture). There are more then 1,300 half-timbered houses in the town, and this is the largest number in Germany. The town was lucky to escape the bombing during the World War II . The oldest house in East Germany dates back to the first half of the 14th century, read more...

MagdeburgRating: 7.80

Everybody heard about Magdeburg, even those who don't know in which country it is. First of all, because of the Magdeburg Law, autonomy that was obtained by individual cities and that was named in honor of the laws formed in Magdeburg in the 13th century, read more...

MeissenRating: 7.80
Meissen has one of the most beautiful castles in Germany - Albrechtsburg. This was the main reason why we came ..., read more...

WarburgRating: 7.80
Historic city in North Rhine-Westphalia,

StadeRating: 7.80
Probably the oldest city in northern Germany. The first settlers arrived here as early as 1000 BC. Around 800 AD, a settlement with a simple harbour was built. In 994 the settlement was sacked by Vikings and Stade is first mentioned as Stethu, read more...

WuerzburgRating: 7.60

Würzburg is little known among foreign tourists. This Baroque city is located in the heart of Germany, while most tourists ..., read more...

WeimarRating: 7.60

Frankly speaking, we didn't know about Weimar before our visit. But afterward it became clear that one day was not ..., read more...

Hann. MuendenRating: 7.40

We decided to visit Hann. Münden after we had found the town on Google Maps. It looks amazing from above. ..., read more...

Frankfurt am MainRating: 7.40

Frankfurt am Main is the largest city of the Hessen land. It's the financial and transportation center of Germany and ..., read more...

LubeckRating: 7.40

In XIII-XVII centuries in Northern Europe was created an alliance of German cities to protect free traders and merchants from ..., read more...

Rothenburg ob der TauberRating: 7.40
After visiting of more than 100 cities and towns in Germany, we did not expect that here exist a real ..., read more...

Mulheim an der RuhrRating: 7.40
Mülheim(Ruhr) is a city in the largest metropolitan area in Germany. The division into cities here is purely conditional, as ..., read more...

StralsundRating: 7.40
The city of Stralsund on the shores of the Baltic Sea is the gateway to the island of Rügen, here located two 3-kilometer bridges. The historic center in the style of brick Gothic was partially destroyed during World War II, but was restored and is now on the UNESCO World Heritage List, read more...

UlmRating: 7.40
Ulm is known above all for its famous cathedral, the tallest in the world. The cathedral was built intermittently, from 1392 to 1890, and is currently about 162 meters high, read more...

HannoverRating: 7.20

Hannover calls itself "Messestadt" (Exhibition City). That's why upon arrival of the train at the main station you hear the words "Welcome to the Exhibition City Hannover", read more...

KarlsruheRating: 7.20

Karlsruhe is a scientific and industrial center and the second largest river port in Germany. The city is young; according ..., read more...

Ruedesheim am RheinRating: 7.20

In Rüdesheim most travelers begin their journey across the unique region Middle Rhine Valley. This is one of the ..., read more...

RintelnRating: 7.20

Rinteln is a small half-timbered town with houses in the Weser Renaissance style. Famous for its university, which was founded in 1621. The well-preserved old town is still characterised by numerous half-timbered houses. In the Middle Ages, the town was surrounded by a city wall, though we did not discover the remains of it, read more...

ErfurtRating: 7.20

Erfurt is the capital of Thuringia, city with 1270 years of history. Due to the excellent location, at the crossroads ..., read more...

PirnaRating: 7.20
Pirna is a small old town on the banks of Elbe. It is located between Dresden and Saxon Switzerland National ..., read more...

WiesbadenRating: 7.20
Wiesbaden is the capital of Hesse, although it is not the biggest city in the region. All places of interest ..., read more...

LuneburgRating: 7.20
Lüneburg is a small Hanseatic city in Lower Saxony. The city was a salt trader and important economic center because of its geographic location near Lubeck. As you know, salt used to be very important and expensive in former times as it was used in many processes, in particular, allowed long-term storage of food. Therefore, cities with salt had a good income, read more...

OldenburgRating: 7.20
Oldenburg is best known as the medieval residence of the dynasty of the same name. Until 1773, the Earl of Oldenburg was also the king of Denmark, which means the weight of the title was huge, read more...

EmdenRating: 7.20
Emden is the main city in the historic region of East Frisia. Like 300 years ago, it lives off the port, from where Volkswagen cars are dispatched all over the world. The city-forming factory is located in the port as well, read more...

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abandoned places airplanes amusements animals aquarium beach bike botanical garden bridge cape casino castle cathedral cave cemetery christmas market church city dinosaurs fachwerk town festivals fireworks flowers forest fortress fountain funicular geyser height hiking historic town hotel hundertwasser interesting transport island lake lighthouse mine monastery monument mountains museum natural wonder observation deck palace park playground quadrocopter quarry resort river rocks ruins sakura sculptures sea ships ski lift stadium street-art stroll thermal spring third reich town hall unusual buildings unusual hotels of the world unusual structures waterfall waterpark zoo
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