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Germany > Lower Saxony > Natur Live Geopark in the Harz Mountains

Natur Live Geopark in the Harz Mountains

N 51°38.05', E 10°24.089'
Our rating: 6.00
Overall rating:

The Natur Live Geopark is located in the Western part of the Harz Mountains. It is a complex of tourist forest trails in the mountains. There are three routes with the length of 11, 4 and 1 km. Through the Geopark also passes the route along the karst rocks of Harz with total length of 200 km.

Ecotrail in the Natur Live park in the Harz Mountains
Ecotrail in the Natur Live park in the Harz Mountains ©Yuriy Buriak

Ecotrail in the Natur Live park in the Harz Mountains
Ecotrail in the Natur Live park in the Harz Mountains ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

All three routes begin from the Unicorn Cave, which is the main attraction of the Geopark. The cave can be visited with a group tour every hour from 11 am to 4 pm, except Mondays. The ticket costs 7.5 euros.

©Yuriy Buriak

Unicorn Сave
Unicorn Сave ©Yuriy Buriak

There was the border between East and West Germany in this area after the World War II, so it wasn't visited by tourists. In 1990 it was one of the few places in Europe with wildlife. In 1663 a skeleton of a unicorn was found in the Harz Mountains. A century later a similar skeleton was found in a cave near Scharzfeld. The skeleton was examined by Leibniz, a famous scientist and founder of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He admitted that unicorns exist (or existed).

The cave consists of several rooms, you will go from the smallest one to the largest one. The most interesting and most beautiful room is in the end. In the middle of the forest there's a natural hole formed in the rock that leads to the cave. But tourists enter the cave via an artificial tunnel in the rock on the other side. The entrance in the forest looks pretty dangerous, so it's fenced and is under video surveillance.

Entrance to the Unicorn Сave on the other side is closed.
Entrance to the Unicorn Сave on the other side is closed. ©Yuriy Buriak

A hundred thousand years ago the Neanderthals found the cave and lived in it. Later the cave was home to bears, the bones of which were found during excavations.

It is not allowed to take pictures inside the cave (nonsense), so here's a couple of pics from the Internet.

Unicorn Сave
Unicorn Сave ©

Unicorn Сave
Unicorn Сave ©

There is a small ecotrail near the cave. On the other side of the field it passes near a rock that you can climb, but it's not easy. A nice panorama opens from the top.

Field in front of the Unicorn Cave
Field in front of the Unicorn Cave ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Unknown object
Unknown object ©Yuriy Buriak

You will find other interesting places on the tourist trail, such as ruins of the Scharzfeld Fortress. The fortress was not preserved and now looks more like a rock, but local researchers found the original form, which you can see on the pictures below.

Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress
Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress ©Yuriy Buriak

Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress
Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress ©Yuriy Buriak

Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress
Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress ©Yuriy Buriak

These two passes are under reconstruction.
These two passes are under reconstruction. ©Yuriy Buriak

Reconstruction of the Sharzfeld Fortress
Reconstruction of the Sharzfeld Fortress ©Yuriy Buriak

Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress
Ruins of the Sharzfeld Fortress ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: Go by train to the station "Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis". The fortress is visible from the station. Go along the road which leads to the mountain. There is a hotel under the mountain and the trail starts behind it. Climbing up you will get to the ruins. Then follow the signs. If you are traveling by car, go to Scharzfeld. There's a road that leads from the downtown right to the cave.

Tags, Germany: cave, forest, mountains, stroll

Tags, all countries: cave, forest, mountains, stroll
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