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Ukraine > Dnipropetrovsk Region > Dnipropetrovsk


N 48°26.599', E 35°2.907'
Our rating: 6.40
Overall rating:

Dnipropetrovsk is an industrial city, but still it's possible to relax and find some interesting places here. Convenient transport links make the city attractive to spend the weekend, so we did it. We went from Kyiv by the morning express train. The journey took about 5 hours and 45 minutes.

The main form of transport in the city is a minibus (marshrootka). Recreational areas and sights are concentrated in the downtown. The most beautiful place is the Dnipro river waterfront.

Waterfront ©Yuriy Buriak

Fountain at the waterfront, look for a rainbow
Fountain at the waterfront, look for a rainbow ©Yuriy Buriak

Dnipro river view
Dnipro river view ©Yuriy Buriak

These guys are likely to have a costume party.
These guys are likely to have a costume party. ©Yuriy Buriak

Dnipro river view
Dnipro river view ©Yuriy Buriak

Near the right end of the waterfront is the Monastyrskyi (Monastery) island, which can be accessed via a pedestrian bridge. There is a nice park, a beach, a variety of rides and a small zoo on the island. Unfortunately, the zoo is too small. I don't think that the animals feel comfortable there.

View on the Monastyrskyi (Monastery) island from the bridge
View on the Monastyrskyi (Monastery) island from the bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

Bridge to the Monastyrskij (Monastery) island
Bridge to the Monastyrskij (Monastery) island ©Yuriy Buriak

Zoo at the Monastyrskij (Monastery) island
Zoo at the Monastyrskij (Monastery) island ©Yuriy Buriak

After visiting the island, we crossed the road and went to the Shevchenko Park and then to the square, where stands the Spaso-Preobrazhenskyi (Savior Transfiguration) Cathedral. As in most parks of Ukraine, there are many squirells here. They are accustomed to people and take the food right out of the hands.

Spaso-Preobrazhenskyi (Savior Transfiguration) Cathedral
Spaso-Preobrazhenskyi (Savior Transfiguration) Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

Hungry squirrel in the Shevchenko Park
Hungry squirrel in the Shevchenko Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Hungry squirrel in the Shevchenko Park
Hungry squirrel in the Shevchenko Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Fountain in the Lenin Park
Fountain in the Lenin Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Then we returned to the downtown via the Karl Marx avenue and went to central park named after Lazar Globa (formerly Chkalov Park), where we took a ride on the ferris wheel. In the same park there is a unique children's railway. It was the first in Ukraine and the second in the world after Tbilisi (Georgia).

Lazar Globa Park
Lazar Globa Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Lazar Globa Park
Lazar Globa Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Lazar Globa Park
Lazar Globa Park ©Yuriy Buriak

View from the ferris wheel in the central park
View from the ferris wheel in the central park ©Yuriy Buriak

In Dnipropetrovsk, we also visited the first football game at the new Dnipro Arena stadium. The stadium is very cozy and comfortable, and the field is clearly visible. 

Near the stadium
Near the stadium ©Yuriy Buriak

Dnipro Arena stadium
Dnipro Arena stadium ©Yuriy Buriak

Dnipro Arena stadium
Dnipro Arena stadium ©Yuriy Buriak

Dnipro Arena stadium
Dnipro Arena stadium ©Yuriy Buriak

Fans on the way to the stadium
Fans on the way to the stadium ©Yuriy Buriak

Not far from the stadium there are several cozy parks where the fountains are illuminated at night. After the football we visited these parks and then returned to the waterfront to enjoy the view of the fountains and bridges at night.

Fountain in the Lenin Park
Fountain in the Lenin Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Fountain near the waterfront
Fountain near the waterfront ©Yuriy Buriak

Tsentralnyi (Center) Bridge
Tsentralnyi (Center) Bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

The city has a subway, but it isn't popular with the citizens. Daily ridership is approximately 25 thousand people. For comparison - in 2011, the airport "Boryspil" was used by 35 thousand people a day, Kharkiv Metro - by 700 thousand, and Kyiv metro - by 1.5 million.

Dnipropetrovsk metro map
Dnipropetrovsk tram map

Getting there: Dnipropetrovsk is a large city located in the heart of Ukraine, so you can get there by any means of transport. We went there by a daily express train from Kyiv. Also in Kyiv you can book seats in buses of the Autolux and Gunsel carriers. The buses leave from the central bus station (Demiyivska metro station).

Tags, Ukraine: animals, bridge, city, football, fountain

Tags, all countries: animals, bridge, city, football, fountain
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Our rating - 6.40
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