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river - Ukraine

KyivRating: 8.80

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's a large city by European standards and attractive in terms of tourism. We ..., read more...

Buky (Kyiv Region)Rating: 7.80

There is a beautiful landscape park in the Buky village of the Kyiv Region (there's another Buky in the Cherkasy Region). It ..., read more...

YaremcheRating: 7.80

Yaremche is a resort in Prykarpattia on the Prut river. Its most known landmark is the Probiy waterfall which attracts ..., read more...

YuzhnoukrainskRating: 7.80

Yuzhnoukrainsk is a young city, which was built as a satellite of South Ukrainian nuclear power plant. This power plant ..., read more...

SteblivRating: 7.80

Stebliv is a small town in the Cherkasy region, known primarily for estate museum of Ukrainian writer Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky. The ..., read more...

KanivRating: 7.60

At the time of writing this article Kaniv was at the stage of active construction. During preparation to Euro 2012 large ..., read more...

Trufanets WaterfallRating: 7.60

Trufanets waterfall is the tallest natural waterfall of Zakarpattia (36 m). It is located right next to the road. There's ..., read more...

Ostrovsky Park in KorostenRating: 7.60

Ostrovsky Park is the main attraction of Korosten. Every year in September, the festival of deruny (hash browns) is held ..., read more...

Rafting on TysaRating: 7.40

Our first rafting experience took place on the Tysa river near Khust. It's a rather quiet river, so be prepared for ..., read more...

KharkivRating: 7.40

Some time ago, in the early days of Soviet Union, Kharkiv used to be the capital of Ukraine. Today its ..., read more...

National Park «Piryatinsky»Rating: 7.40

Sometimes we visit places which are unknown to most tourists. National Park "Piryatinsky" is one of those places. It was ..., read more...

Korsun-ShevchenkivskyiRating: 7.20

Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi is a small town in the Cherkasy Region with gorgeous nature. It may be a perfect place for a picnic ..., read more...

Rafting on DniesterRating: 7.20

Our second rafting was harder the first one (on Tysa): the way down the Dniester river took at least ..., read more...

BakotaRating: 7.20

Not far from Kamianets-Podilskyi is the area called Bakota. It's located on the territory of the Podilsky Tovtry National ..., read more...

DenyshiRating: 7.20

Denyshi is a small village near Zhytomyr with several interesting and beautiful places nearby. On the other side of the ..., read more...

Trahtemirivski peninsulaRating: 7.20

Trahtemirivski peninsula is a nice place on the banks of the Dnieper. Its territory of the State Historical and Cultural ..., read more...

Sukholuchchya, the hunting residence of YanukovychRating: 7.20
After Yanukovych run to Russia, his former estates were opened to public. Mezhyhiria in 2014 and Sukholuchchya in 2017, read more...

Carpathian TramRating: 6.80

There is a very interesting route in the Ukrainian Carpathians: a trip on the "Karpatskyi Tramvai" ("Carpathian Tram"). Long time ..., read more...

MigiyaRating: 6.60

Migiya is one of the most popular places in Ukraine among the rafters. During our walk we saw 7 or ..., read more...

BoguslavRating: 6.60

Boguslav is a small town in the Kyiv region. It stands on the Ros river and thus you can find scenic ..., read more...

VylkoveRating: 6.60
In Ukraine people call Vylkove "The Ukrainian Venice". Of course this is not true. The only thing that makes Vylkove ..., read more...

Buky (Cherkassy Region)Rating: 6.40

There's an interesting place 180 kilometers away from Kyiv: a canyon created by the Girskyi Tikych river. The most beautiful views ..., read more...

Mezyn National Nature ParkRating: 6.40

Mezyn National Nature Park was founded in 2006 by decree of President Viktor Yushchenko. In the last year of his reign, ..., read more...

Canyon of the river SinyuhaRating: 6.40

Another little-known place in Ukraine is thecanyon of Sinyuha river. The total length of the river is more than 100 ..., read more...

PechoraRating: 6.00

Pechera (Pechora) village is an example of decline due to infrastructure development. Previously, there was a regional road through the village, but ..., read more...

River Kamianka Canyon (Lviv region)Rating: 4.80
Kamianka River Canyon is a picturesque natural site near town of Skole. In summer time is't a popular place, so ..., read more...

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abandoned places airshow amusements animals balloon bay beach bike botanical garden bridge canyon cape castle cathedral cave cemetery christmas church church circus city desert dungeon estate f1 powerboat world cup festivals fireworks flowers football forest fortress fountain geyser height hot air balloon hotel hydroelectric power station ice sculptures insects interesting transport island lake lavra military facility mineral spring monastery motorsport mountains museum mushrooms natural wonder observation deck observatory palace park quadrocopter quarry rafting reserve resort river river transport rocks ruins sculptures sea ships skansen ski lift sky lanterns spring stones stroll theater thermal spring third reich town hall unusual buildings volcano waterfall waterpark winery winter sports world cup zoo
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