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Ukraine > Cherkasy Region > Kaniv


N 49°45.466', E 31°28.437'
2011-06-06, 2014-06-28
Our rating: 7.60
Overall rating:

At the time of writing this article Kaniv was at the stage of active construction. During preparation to Euro 2012 large amounts of money were allocated to the town, and it's being transformed right before our eyes. A large modern bus station and two new river ports have already been opened. Besides, the central part of the town has been changed. Reconstruction of the Taras Shevchenko museum was completed at the beginning of 2011. In summer it's also possible to take a boat tour along the Dnipro river banks.

New bus station
New bus station ©Yuriy Buriak

From water it's a river port.
From water it's a river port. ©Yuriy Buriak

Alleyway from the bus station to the downtown
Alleyway from the bus station to the downtown ©Yuriy Buriak

In 2005 the area near the bus station looked like this.

Bus station 5 years ago
Bus station 5 years ago ©Yuriy Buriak

In 2014 appeared a small beautiful fountain. It is located a stone's throw from the bus station.

Fountain in Kaniv
Fountain in Kaniv ©Yuriy Buriak

Kanіv is a beautiful town. Its geography resembles the one of a beach resort: water and miles of sandy beaches on one side, hills on other side, and among them is the town as a narrow, long stripe. The only difference is that instead of sea is the Dnipro river.

Kaniv view from above
Kaniv view from above ©Yuriy Buriak

Kaniv view from above
Kaniv view from above ©Yuriy Buriak

But even the town beaches are excellent and, most important, there are no crowds of people and trash, as in Kyiv.

Beaches of Kanіv
Beaches of Kanіv ©instagram.com/eugene.gurbych/

And if you go to the outskirts, for example, in the direction of the Taras Shevchenko grave, you can relax on the vast beach alone.

Kaniv beaches
Kaniv beaches ©Yuriy Buriak

Upon arrival, take the taxi or bus #1, 2, or 5 and go to the Lenin Square. It's better to take a taxi, it's cheap and for $3-5 you can reach any part of the town. From the Lenin Square go to the Motherland statue, a beautiful park and the 900-year-old Assumption Cathedral, one of the oldest in Ukraine.

Park near the cathedral
Park near the cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

Assumption Cathedral (1144)
Assumption Cathedral (1144) ©Yuriy Buriak

Assumption Cathedral (1144)
Assumption Cathedral (1144) ©Yuriy Buriak

Motherland monument
Motherland monument ©Yuriy Buriak

Monument to Oleg Koshevoy, a hero of the Soviet Union
Monument to Oleg Koshevoy, a hero of the Soviet Union ©Yuriy Buriak

Gaidar's grave
Gaidar's grave ©Yuriy Buriak

There is an observation deck behind the Motherland.

©Yuriy Buriak

If you go straight ahead from the entrance to the cathedral, you'll see the library of Gaidar and find an interesting monument. This is a time capsule that will be opened in 2045.

Time capsule
Time capsule ©Yuriy Buriak

Kaniv is a new town and only several historic buildings remained here. You can find them if you walk from the Lenin Square to the downtown. The main transport is buses that run regularly and on schedule.

Several buildings of the old town
Several buildings of the old town ©Yuriy Buriak

Old department store
Old department store ©Yuriy Buriak

House in the old town
House in the old town ©Yuriy Buriak

There is Hitriy Rynok (Tricky Market) in the downtown under the hill and behind the bus stop. Go through it and climb the hill that has the flag of Ukraine on its top. This is a secret viewing point. Near the market you can take a bus #2 and go to the Taras Shevchenko grave.

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Ukrtelecom building
Ukrtelecom building ©Yuriy Buriak

Next to the building of Ukrtelecom stands an unfinished palace of culture. In the late 80s and early 90s Kaniv was actively built, but when the Soviet Union collapsed, all construction projects were stopped.

Unfinished Palace of Culture
Unfinished Palace of Culture ©Yuriy Buriak

Another point of interest is an armored train at the entrance to the town. You can approach it either by buses ##1 and 5 or by taxi.

Armored train
Armored train ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

But the main tourist attraction is, of course, the grave and museum of Taras Shevchenko. And this place will be interesting for everybody. It's clear that not everyone likes museums, but the museum in Kaniv differs from other Ukrainian museums because of modern technologies, and the building itself is in perfect condition. Tarasova Hill is a complex that includes parks, nature reserve and hills. This is the place to walk, breathe fresh air and look at the wonderful scenery.

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

River port near the Tarasova Hill
River port near the Tarasova Hill ©Yuriy Buriak

River port near the Tarasova Hill
River port near the Tarasova Hill ©Yuriy Buriak

Shevchenko museum
Shevchenko museum ©Yuriy Buriak

Monument on the Taras Shevchenko grave
Monument on the Taras Shevchenko grave ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Shevchenko museum
Shevchenko museum ©Yuriy Buriak

Tarasova Hill is always crowded.
Tarasova Hill is always crowded. ©Yuriy Buriak

View from observation deck
View from observation deck ©Yuriy Buriak

View from observation deck
View from observation deck ©Yuriy Buriak

View from observation deck
View from observation deck ©Yuriy Buriak

300 stairs lead to the museum. Every year government officials go this way to honor the great Kobzar.

Stairway to the grave
Stairway to the grave ©Yuriy Buriak

A drinking fountain with water is waiting for you at the top of the hill.

You can drink artesian water at the top of the hill.
You can drink artesian water at the top of the hill. ©Yuriy Buriak

Be sure to walk in the park around the museum and find a dreamhouse of Taras Shevchenko. 

House of Shevchenko
House of Shevchenko ©Yuriy Buriak

By the way, you can go down not by the stairs. Behind the house find a parking place and a road. This road goes down through the reserve. The Kaniv reserve is the oldest historical and cultural reserve in Ukraine. I recommend going down this way, if you want to walk alone in nature.

Spring is the best time to visit the Tarasova Hill. At this time, the territory is well-groomed and full of flowers.

If you enjoy walking in nature, you can return to the town on foot along the beaches. They are usually deserted (not when the weather is hot) and very beautiful.

Beaches in the Tarasova Hill area
Beaches in the Tarasova Hill area ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

On the way to the Taras Shevchenko grave you can get off the bus at the stop "Shkola Nomer Shest" ("School №6") and walk another 3 km. The nature is gorgeous, and you can take a look at the Shevchenkova ​​Alley: a sculpture alley devoted to Taras Shevchenko's poems.

Shevchenkova Alley
Shevchenkova Alley ©Yuriy Buriak

Interesting place: If you're not tired yet, you can do the following: go 20 meters back from the stop "Shkola Nomer Shest" ("School №6") and turn to a little path between the private houses that will lead you to the top of the hills (the start is marked by a red arrow).

©Yuriy Buriak

A couple of times the path is split in two, and each time you should go right or forward (not left). At the top you'll find the most picturesque views of the town, Kaniv Power Station, the Dnipro river, and the boundless left bank of the reservoir. And if you want to walk in the forest, then go in the opposite direction from the town a little more up the gravel road. In 400 meters you'll see the entrance to the reserve. Be cautious: there are many animals in the reserve, e.g. wild boars.

©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Kaniv ©Yuriy Buriak

Island on the Dnipro in Kaniv
Island on the Dnipro in Kaniv ©Yuriy Buriak

Consequences of the hurricane in July 2012
Consequences of the hurricane in July 2012 ©Yuriy Buriak

Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve
Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve ©Yuriy Buriak

Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve
Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve ©Yuriy Buriak

Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve
Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve ©Yuriy Buriak

Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve
Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve ©Yuriy Buriak

Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve
Animal tracks in the Kaniv Nature Reserve ©Yuriy Buriak

Kaniv hydroelectric power station (HPS) is also an interesting place. We asked the taxi driver to take us to the entrance to Kaniv on the left bank. It's near the monument to Kobzar and a huge sign "КАНІВ". Then we walked along the dam and returned to the town by the bridge over the HPS. Besides, before reaching the HPS we went down to the water on the left side of the road. From there opens a beautiful view of the railroad bridge that was exploded during the war.

©Yuriy Buriak

Hydroelectric power station
Hydroelectric power station ©Yuriy Buriak

Kaniv reservoir waterfront
Kaniv reservoir waterfront ©Yuriy Buriak

The bridge was destroyed during the World War II
The bridge was destroyed during the World War II ©Yuriy Buriak

Water gate in Kaniv
Water gate in Kaniv ©Yuriy Buriak

Water gate in Kaniv
Water gate in Kaniv ©Yuriy Buriak

In general, Kaniv is a perfect town to spend a weekend in, staying not far from Kyiv. Kaniv stands out among the faceless small towns scattered across the Central and Eastern Ukraine.

Kaniv from above:

Webcam in Kaniv

Getting there: By minibus that runs every 30-45 minutes from the Vydubychi metro station. Travel time is 2.5 hours.

Tags, Ukraine: city, mountains, museum, observation deck, river

Tags, all countries: city, mountains, museum, observation deck, river
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Our rating - 7.60
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 10)

2014-08-15 21:58 # 1 Юлия
Кстати, дом с старом городе - это синагога.

2015-03-07 07:31 # 2 Настя
Дуже дякую авторови за можливисть попередньо спланувати маршрут поиздки.

2015-05-02 11:58 # 3 Ольга
Кілька порад з приводу логістики. З Канева до Києва автобуси їздять не так часто, як здається. Наприклад, останній - о 18.30 (через Ржищів), а попередній - десь коло 16.15. Раджу це врахувати. А ще місцеві люди скаржаться на те, що дирекція музею не вкладає душу в утримання цього комплексу - не вичищається басейн при вході, не висаджуються квіти (як це було при попередньому керівництві). Наприкінці квітня води в бюветах і фонтанах не було. А загалом - краса й атмосфера неймовірна!!! Треба бачити обов"язково!

2015-12-12 09:21 # 4 Лєна
Неймовірно вдячна авторові!
А чи можна доїхати з Києва річковим

2015-12-12 11:07 # 5 Юрий Буряк
2 Лєна
Зараз, точно ні

2016-07-14 13:10 # 6 Maryna
Дякую за вашу розповідь і всим хто залишив коментар. Наразі планую відвідати Канів, добре знати що можна подивитися.

2017-09-14 10:44 # 7 Местный
В принципе все так и есть. Автобусы с Киева в Канев ездят каждый час, с Канева последний в 18:30, перед ним в 17:30 и 16:15. А так то,сюда стоит приехать и все осмотреть=)))

2018-11-04 09:03 # 8 Tina Kievan
Спасибо большое за рассказ и хорошие фотографии. Планирую побыявать в Каневе, информация поможет спланировать маршрут по городу. Можно ли ближе подъехать к ж-д разрушенному мосту, чтобы сделать фото? Вот эту часть со знаком "Канев", бандуристом, видом на мост посещать после Тарасовой горы? Спасибо.

2018-11-05 23:12 # 9 Юрий Буряк
2 Tina Kievan
Если на своем транспорте, то без проблем, там можно подъехать. Это не считается достопримечательностями, но природа в Каневе красивая, и в тех местах тоже.

2019-05-27 13:32 # 10 Елена
Огромное спасибо за Ваш информативный отзив с фото. Вы наверное единственный в Украине кто написал и выложил фото о этом истерическом и туристическом месте нашей страны! Очень жаль что с туризмом у нас такая "печаль". На сегодня вообще нет водного сообщения Киев-Канев ((((, а как бы было приятно, летом, прокатится туду на Катере.....

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