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Zakarpattia Region - Ukraine

Skakalo WaterfallRating: 7.60

A small waterfall with unusual name (Skakalo = Jumper) is located in a picturesque place. The name was given because ..., read more...

Trufanets WaterfallRating: 7.60

Trufanets waterfall is the tallest natural waterfall of Zakarpattia (36 m). It is located right next to the road. There's ..., read more...

UzhgorodRating: 7.60
Uzhgorod is an administrative center of the Zakarpattia Region and the largest city. It stands on the banks of the ..., read more...

Palace of the Count SchoenbornRating: 7.40
The trains in the direction of Uzhgorod go through the Chynadiyovo village, but only some of the passengers know that ..., read more...

Palanok Castle in MukacheveRating: 7.40

In the town of Mukacheve at the height of 70 meters stands an interesting Palanok Castle. The castle can be ..., read more...

Rafting on TysaRating: 7.40

Our first rafting experience took place on the Tysa river near Khust. It's a rather quiet river, so be prepared for ..., read more...

Molochnyi Kamin (Milk Stone) Cave in the Carpathian Biosphere ReserveRating: 7.40

Eco trail to the Molochniy Kamin cave is located in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and starts from the Velyka Ugolka village. ..., read more...

Karst Bridge in the Carpathian Biosphere ReserveRating: 7.20

One of the most spectacular places in the Carpathians is a karst bridge in the biosphere reserve near the Mala ..., read more...

Sokolyne Berdo (Falcon's Nest) Cliff in the Carpathian Biosphere ReserveRating: 7.00

Eco trail to the Sokolyne Berdo (Falcon's Nest) cliff is located in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. It's a path in the ..., read more...

Schonborn ParkRating: 6.80
In 2013, on the tourist map of Zakarpattia region appeared a new object. Within 3 years with the help of ..., read more...

Synevyr LakeRating: 6.60

Synevyr is the largest lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians that is located at an altitude of 1 km. It is one ..., read more...

Narcissus ValleyRating: 6.60

Near the town of Khust there is an interesting place called The Narcissus Valley. It is a very popular tourist ..., read more...

Strukivska ChurchRating: 6.40

In the Yasinia village there is a unique example of traditional church construction - Strukivska Church made of wood, which was ..., read more...

Central Building of the Carpathian Biosphere ReserveRating: 6.40

Central building of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve is notable for two things: Museum of Ecology of the Mountains (read more ..., read more...

Shypit WaterfallRating: 6.20

Shypit is one of the most known waterfalls in Ukraine. It should be visited in spring when snow melts in the ..., read more...

Tereble-Ritska Hydroelectric Power StationRating: 6.20

Tereble-Ritska Hydroelectric Power Station (HPS) is one of a kind: it is the only HPS that stands on the two ..., read more...

MukachevoRating: 6.20
Mukachevo is primarily known for castle Palanok, the major tourist attraction in  Zakarpattia region. But the city also has ..., read more...

Nevytsky castleRating: 6.00
At 12 km from Uzhgorod on the hill stands dilapidated but picturesque Nevytsky Castle, first mentioned in the XIV century. ..., read more...

Geographical Center of EuropeRating: 5.80

Not far from the Dilove village and Rakhiv town is the geographical center of Europe. A stella and a pillar were ..., read more...

Castle St. MiklosRating: 5.20
Castle St. Miklos or Chinadievo castle was built in the XV century. Despite poor exterior, inside the first floor is ..., read more...

BerehoveRating: 5.00
Berehove is one of the most distant cities from the center. Located on the border with Hungary and during history ..., read more...

SerednjeRating: 4.80

Serednje is not popular with tourists. We stopped there for a couple of hours: to see the ruins of the ..., read more...

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abandoned places airshow amusements animals balloon bay beach bike botanical garden bridge canyon cape castle cathedral cave cemetery christmas church church circus city desert dungeon estate f1 powerboat world cup festivals fireworks flowers football forest fortress fountain geyser height hot air balloon hotel hydroelectric power station ice sculptures insects interesting transport island lake lavra military facility mineral spring monastery motorsport mountains museum mushrooms natural wonder observation deck observatory palace park quadrocopter quarry rafting reserve resort river river transport rocks ruins sculptures sea ships skansen ski lift sky lanterns spring stones stroll theater thermal spring third reich town hall unusual buildings volcano waterfall waterpark winery winter sports world cup zoo
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Eltz Castle
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The Lost Chambers Aquarium
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Kaminne Selo (Stone Village)
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The most expensive real estate in the world at Cap Ferrat
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Mount Zugspitze - 10
Goreme National Park - 9
Observation Deck on the Chervonozorianyi Avenue - 1
Potsdam - 8
Sigulda, Krimulda and Turaida - 8
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