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Ukraine > Vinnytsia Region > Vinnytsia


N 49°13.742', E 28°28.285'
Our rating: 6.00
Overall rating:

Vinnytsia is a new point on the tourist map of Ukraine. We didn't consider this city as an option to visit until 2012. The situation has completely changed after the Vinnytsia fountain was built; we have a separate article about it. Until that, the Vinnytsia region was much more interesting than the regional center, which was known to a wide range of people only by Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf".

There are no castles or fortresses in Vinnytsia, there is no historic center, but there are a lot of old buildings in the downtown. All major attractions are located along the Soborna Street, so you can walk even without a map.

Soborna Street
Soborna Street ©Yuriy Buriak

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
Holy Transfiguration Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

The symbols of the city are the water tower in the Kozytsky park and the arch in the Gorky park. There are lot of parks and gardens in the city, it is one of the greenest cities of Ukraine. 

©Yuriy Buriak

Water tower in the Kozytsky Park
Water tower in the Kozytsky Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Arch in the Gorky Park
Arch in the Gorky Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Gorky Park
Gorky Park ©Yuriy Buriak

Pay attention on the trams: it's a present from Zurich authorities who gave Vinnytsia 105 trams several years ago.

Vinnytsia tram
Vinnytsia tram ©Yuriy Buriak

There are many museums in Vinnytsia, such as a museum and estate of Pirogov, prominent Russian and Ukrainian scientist and doctor, but we still not visit it.

We stopped in the Soviet style hotel Podillya in the downtown ($63 for a double room with breakfast).

June 2014

Two years later we again visited Vinnitsa. Prices in the hotel Podillya fell to $23 per night. No idea about the reason of prices fall. But this time we spent a night in a private appartment (http://miete.com.ua/Vinnica/1367), only $25 for 4 people. Unfortunately I am not sure if the owners of the private appartments speak english, so better stay in the hotel, they prices are really low now.

There are significant improvements in terms of tourism. New signs appeared at every corner.

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

New tourist map of Vinnitsa appeared. It will be distribute free through hotels and can be purchased at the tourist information kiosks, for example near the fountain. Languages are: english, polish, russian, ukrainian.

Tourist scheme of Vinnitsa
Tourist scheme of Vinnitsa ©@

Tourist scheme of Vinnitsa
Tourist scheme of Vinnitsa ©@

New large sign "I LOVE VINNYTSIA".

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Litter bins become friendlier

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

A huge turtle appeared

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Fountain in Gorky Park is working

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Beautiful building in the central square finally reconstructed and now looks much better.

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

A pleasure boat was launched, start from the bridge near the fountain.

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Vinnytsia ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: Express train from Kiev, about 3 hours to go. By car from Kiev you can go two routes: through Uman and through Zhitomir. We went there one way and back another way. Preferable road is through Zhitomir and Berdychev.

Tags, Ukraine: city, park

Tags, all countries: city, park
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Our rating - 6.00
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

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Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

State :

Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 6)

2014-06-16 16:02 # 1 Евгений
А где же фонтан?!!! :(

2014-06-16 18:11 # 2 Юрий Буряк
2 Евгений
Как где, второй абзац )
Фонтан заслуживает отдельную статью.

2014-09-09 18:39 # 3 Настьона
дякую за чудову статтю!!! На цих вихідних збираємось на екскурсію у Вінницю. Дізналась багато чого цікавого! Але родзинкою нашої екскурсії має стати рошенівський фонтан.:))))

2014-09-22 16:58 # 4 Алла
Открыла для себя Винницу во время посещения фонтанов и дома-музея Пирогова в поездке от турфирмы. Потом съездила самостоятельно. Много старинных особнячков. Козацкий храм за Южным Бугом. Дом-музей Коцюбинского. Старинные Муры рядом с ул. Соборной. Летняя прохлада в отличие от зноя родной Одессы. Очень понравилось. Планирую осенью поехать опять. Парк Горького вот не посетила.

2016-01-07 12:30 # 5 Валерий
Какой фонтан???!!! Главная и наиболее весомая гордость всех ВИННИЧЧАН и УКРАИНЦЕВ - Н.И.Пирогов (гордость Винницы и всего человечества).

2016-08-30 00:20 # 6 John Tierney


Ok every body in the Town of Vinnitsa, Ukraine My name is John Tierney and I have been looking for the dream girl for Me for the rest of my life. I have found her and below is the description of what she looks like. So I am asking this town to find her and either give her this information or send to me how to reach her and l'll do the rest


21. Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Appearance 119 lb - 54 kg
5'6" - 168 cm
blonde hair
grey eyes
Habits I don't drink
I don't smoke
More details about me 03/09/1995
business woman
I speak English fluently
I'm single
I don't have children

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