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Vinnytsia, Ukraine | Rating: 6.00 |
Vinnytsia is a new point on the tourist map of Ukraine. We didn't consider this city as an option to ..., read more... |
Pechora, Ukraine | Rating: 6.00 |
Pechera (Pechora) village is an example of decline due to infrastructure development. Previously, there was a regional road through the village, but ..., read more... |
Kovalivka village (Kyiv region) , Ukraine | Rating: 6.00 |
We heard about Kovalivka for a long time, tourists are brought there during sightseeing tours. It is most often referred to on the Internet as the “best ukrainian village”, read more... |
Chinese garden in Weissensee, Germany | Rating: 6.00 |
We discovered this unusual place quite by accident. Imagine you are walking down a quiet German street, read more... |
Georgium Park, Germany | Rating: 6.00 |
In 1780 Prince Johann Georg (1748-1811), the younger brother of the reigning Prince Leopold III (Anhalt-Dessau), began laying out his large landscape garden northwest of Dessau, read more... |
Ueberlingen, Germany | Rating: 6.00 |
A small spa town on the shores of Lake Constance, founded in 1268. It developed actively due to its status as a free imperial town, but after the Thirty Years' War the development slowed down and the town turned into a resort, read more... |
Nova Chortoryia, Ukraine | Rating: 5.80 |
We came to the village of Nova Chortoryia to see the palace of the Orzhevsky family (also called the palace ..., read more... |
Krasnokutsk Arboretum, Ukraine | Rating: 5.80 |
The Krasnokutsk Arboretum is one of the oldest dendrological parks in Ukraine: it's more than 200 years old. Presumably, it was ..., read more... |
Ichnyansky National Park, Ukraine | Rating: 5.80 |
Ichnyansky National Park is located in the Chernihiv region and covers an area about 10 thousand hectares. The main objective of ..., read more... |
Bilokrinitsa, Ukraine | Rating: 5.80 |
In Bilokrinitsa there is a little-known, but beautiful castle-palace in the Gothic style, with Renaissance elements. It was built in ..., read more... |
Park Garrell, Spain | Rating: 5.60 |
Park Garrell (Las Cabañas de Argelaguer) is a little-known place in Catalonia, we learned about it by chance, after seeing the article in the Spanish blog, read more... |
Mon Repos Park and Villa in Corfu, Greece | Rating: 5.60 |
Monrepo Park i Palace were built between 1828 and 1831 as a country villa for the British Commissioner of the Ionian Republic, a state that existed from 1815 to 1864, read more... |
Turchynivka, Ukraine | Rating: 5.60 |
Turchynivka is a small village. We came there to visit a palace of the famous Tereschenko family. The palace is surrounded ..., read more... |
Khutir Nadiya, Ukraine | Rating: 5.60 |
Khutir Nadiya is a state museum of Ivan Tobilevych (Ivan Karpenko-Karyi), a famous Ukrainian drama writer. Here his home estate of ..., read more... |
Misahualli, Ecuador | Rating: 5.40 |
Ecuador has almost all climatic zones, and, surprisingly, they are very close one to another. One hour from the mountains ..., read more... |
Staryi Merchyk, Ukraine | Rating: 5.40 |
In the Staryi Merchyk village we visited the estate of the Shidlovsky family which was built in the XVIII century ..., read more... |
Arboretum in Rai, Ukraine | Rating: 5.40 |
Then walk 3 kilometers to the park or take a taxi, we walked.In the village with the curious name of ..., read more... |
Ulenburg Castle, Germany | Rating: 5.40 |
The sandstone castle in the Weser Renaissance style was built on the site of a former farm between 1568 and 1570. In 1902 - 1912 the complex was extended and, in particular, the garden area was modified. A date of 1299 hangs above the entrance to the castle, but it is erroneous, read more... |
Chervone, Ukraine | Rating: 5.20 |
We arrived at Chervone to visit an abandoned palace of the famous Tereschenko family. The palace is not guarded and ..., read more... |
Dobropark, Ukraine | Rating: 4.80 |
Dobropark is a flower park that opened in 2020. As a basis were taken popular European parks, the most famous of which is Keukenhof, read more... |
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