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Germany > Lower Saxony > Hannover > Kronsberg District in Hannover

Kronsberg District in Hannover

N 52°20.223', E 9°50.141'
Our rating: 7.00
Overall rating:

During the preparation for the Expo 2000 in Hannover, one of the exhibits was a newly built residential area of future. All available knowledge in the field of ecological optimization of construction and communal services was used. Social aspects were considered as well. I believe that even the designers themselves didn't know what they would receive, as they had not enough time to built something very unusual at that time. Probably, one of the main ideas was to change mind of the residents in environmental terms.

Today Kronsberg is an urban settlement with extremely high environmental standards, comfortable houses and well-maintained neighborhood. Even now, after many years, it remains unique in its kind. 15 thousand people live here.

When walking around the area, it's difficult for an inexperienced person to understand what exactly makes this district differ from many other areas. The place looks good and there's enough free space, but all main features are hidden from view. Specifically, due to the design, power consumption in the buildings is two times less than in other similar residential homes. In 2001, the Kronsberg project had been awarded for energy conservation among the 1,260 applicants from 83 countries and also received many other awards later.

Although it is important to understand that energy efficiency is only one of the 15 innovative aspects which were considered during the design phase. Everything does matter: land, hills, lakes, sun, wind. The houses were built in such a way that even projects of apartments were unique at that time.

The district has a rectangular shape and is surrounded by parks and fields.

Kronsberg District in Hannover
Kronsberg District in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg District in Hannover
Kronsberg District in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg District in Hannover
Kronsberg District in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Houses of many different types of were built; probably, in order to further the research and identify the best of them.

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Queron / panoramio.com

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©flickr.com

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

In the fields behind the houses there are two man-made hills that offer a good view of the city and the Kronsberg district.

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Район Кронсберг у Ганновері
Район Кронсберг у Ганновері ©Yuriy Buriak

Kronsberg district in Hannover
Kronsberg district in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

Here you can clearly see where the land was taken and where it was poured.

Kronsberg District in Hannover
Kronsberg District in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

At the top of the hill is one of the best places in Hanover to meet the sunset.

Kronsberg District in Hannover
Kronsberg District in Hannover ©Yuriy Buriak

For those who are interested in details, there's a large document with all plans and ideas that were considered during the design phase. Download it here (Hannover Kronsberg Handbook).

Getting there: By tram #6 or 16 to the Kronsberg stop in Hannover.

Tags, Germany: city

Tags, all countries: city
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Our rating - 7.00
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

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2014-04-06 18:12 # 1 Андрій Шелестюк
чудовий сайт!!!! дякую за допомогу у складаны подорожі)))

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