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Germany > Lower Saxony > Braunschweig


N 52°15.855', E 10°31.401'
2012-04-02, 2015-09-10
Our rating: 6.80
Overall rating:
Braunschweig is the second largest city in Lower Saxony. Until November 1918 it was the capital of the Duchy of Braunschweig. After the November Revolution and resignation of the Duke it became the capital of the republic of Braunschweig, which in 1946 became a part of Lower Saxony.

If you look at the city from above, you can see that the downtown is surrounded by the Oker river and a park as a circle, which is very suitable for quiet long walks. Such structure has a reaso: in the Middle Ages it strengthened the city's protection.

The city was founded by Bruno II, Saxon Earl. Originally the city was named Brunswick. Now many sources give a translation into English as Brunswick.

In the center there are five "islands" with restored old buildings. In the central square you can see a lion, which is the symbol of the city. During the reign of Henry the Lion (1129-1195) this sculpture was placed in the square outside the cathedral. Cast in bronze, it symbolized might and power of Henry the Lion. The sculpture weighs nearly 900 kilos. Currently, a copy of the sculpture stands on the Castle Square. The figure itself was moved to the Dankvarderode Castle to avoid destruction.

The city holds the fourth largest festival in Germany, which gathers more than 25 thousand people every year.

Braunschweig lion, historic symbol of the city (XII century)
Braunschweig lion, historic symbol of the city (XII century) ©Yuriy Buriak

Dankwarderode сastle
Dankwarderode сastle ©Yuriy Buriak

One of the most unusual and interesting buildings in Braunschweig is the "Happy Rizzi House" business center, which was built in 2001 by architect Konrad Kloster and designer James Rizzi.

Happy Rizzi House
Happy Rizzi House ©Yuriy Buriak

Happy Rizzi House
Happy Rizzi House ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Magnus Church
St. Magnus Church ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Martin Church and City Hall
St. Martin Church and City Hall ©Yuriy Buriak

Building on Kohlmarkt
Building on Kohlmarkt ©Yuriy Buriak

Tower ©Yuriy Buriak

House of Tailors (Gewandhaus)
House of Tailors (Gewandhaus) ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Houses along the canal
Houses along the canal ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Easter ©Yuriy Buriak

Canal in Braunschweig
Canal in Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Ukrainian flag in Braunschweig
Ukrainian flag in Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Sculpture from the Salzdahlum Palace, which was dismantled in 1813
Sculpture from the Salzdahlum Palace, which was dismantled in 1813 ©Yuriy Buriak

Monument to the German poet Gotthold Lessing
Monument to the German poet Gotthold Lessing ©Yuriy Buriak

The "Do not walk on grass" sign is missing =) ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Magnus Church
St. Magnus Church ©Yuriy Buriak


This time we visited Braunschweig for an evening stroll. The biggest discovery for us was the park Viewegsgarten, it is across the street from the train station. We've seen there about 100 rabbits! This is something incredible. It is logical to assume that this can not continue in such a way and rabbits have to be removed from there.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Also park is a house to a lot of squirrels, so we bought nuts in the supermarket and took nice pictures on the way back. Unlike rabbits, squirrels are not running away.

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Squirrels in the Braunschweig
Squirrels in the Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Also visited Bürgerpark.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Happy Rizzi House in the evening.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

This time we paid attention to the back side. The house has uneven windows, so people here use external blinds to protect from the sun.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Braunschweig Palace was badly damaged during the war and stood until 1960.

Residence in Braunschweig (1944)
Residence in Braunschweig (1944) ©magniviertel.de

Then it was dismantled and replaced with a park. In 2007 together with a construction of a large shopping complex, the original facade of the palace was restored.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Alte Waage on the eponymous square is an exact reconstruction of the building of 1534, which was used to weight and measure goods of the traders.

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Walked on the most beautiful street in the city - Am Magnitor

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

And watched huge pencils near the railway station

Braunschweig ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: By regional train from Hannover, 45 minutes to go.

Tags, Germany: castle, cathedral, church, city, monument

Tags, all countries: castle, cathedral, church, city, monument
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Our rating - 6.80
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Visitor's rating - 0.00
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Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 5)

2014-02-01 13:59 # 1 Сергій
Це не Український прапор на фото, це прапор Брауншвейгу.

2014-06-04 20:29 # 2 Филлип Шимко
хто-ж у кого прапор поцупив?

2016-05-18 15:06 # 3 Александр Разумовский
Хороший городок

2022-06-16 11:02 # 4 Натали
Очень хорошая и правильная работа автора. Получила истинное удовольствие от этой интернетной экскурсии. Я живу недалеко от Браугшвайга (так он называется в Германии) и иногда бываю там. Автор этой статьи очень серьезно подошел к своей работе над темой. Он собрал исторические факты, а не просто выставил фото.
Спасибо за экскурсию! И мира Украине!

2022-06-16 11:05 # 5 Натали
Ой, простите, не та буква попалась: город в Германии называется БРАУНШВАЙГ.

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