unusual structures
Valencia, Spain | Rating: 9.40 |
Valencia is an unusual city. Walking through the City of Arts and Sciences we met tourists which told us that ..., read more... |
Segovia, Spain | Rating: 8.60 |
Segovia is a very unusual town. To understand why, you need to look on the following image from Google maps. , read more... |
Zollverein Mine, Germany | Rating: 8.40 |
Zollverein coal mine is located in the city of Essen in the Ruhr region, one of Europe's largest metropolitan areas. It ..., read more... |
Nantes, France | Rating: 8.20 |
Nantes is a cool city. I'm sure that most of you did not even hear about it as a tourist city. And that's fine, as there are almost no tourists here. Although city officials do a lot of the right things to attract them, read more... |
Sellin, Germany | Rating: 8.20 |
Traditional German seaside resort on the Baltic Sea, opened in 1880. We recommend it because of its beautiful wooden architecture and the overall atmosphere, read more... |
Brussels, Belgium | Rating: 7.80 |
Brussels is the capital of Belgium and the European Union. But in terms of tourism the city is ..., read more... |
Schwebebahn in Wuppertal, Germany | Rating: 7.80 |
In the German city of Wuppertal exists the unusual form of urban transport, a hanging railway with the length of ..., read more... |
Zaanse Schans, Netherlands | Rating: 7.60 |
Zaanse Schans is a real residential and working district, preserved from 1850. Despite the fact that people still live here, for tourists it is an open-air museum, read more... |
Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany | Rating: 7.60 |
Miniatur Wunderland (miniature "Wonderland") is a unique attraction in Hamburg, the world's largest museum of miniatures, read more... |
Devil's Bridge (Rakotzbrücke), Germany | Rating: 7.60 |
One of Germany's most famous bridges, which can often be seen on Instagram. In reality, it is not even a real bridge, but an art object located in the middle of a rhododendron park, read more... |
Tree house (Casa Del Arbol), Ecuador | Rating: 7.40 |
On the top of the mountain above Baños there is one of the most unusual places in Ecuador. Photos of ..., read more... |
Scharnebeck twin ship lift, Germany | Rating: 7.20 |
One of the most unusual structures in Germany is located in Scharnebeck. The lift for river ships was built in 1974 and it is the world's largest double lift (in 2016, China built a single lift, about 2.5 times bigger than this one, video), read more... |
Suspension bridge Titan-RT in Harz mountains, Germany | Rating: 7.20 |
In the spring of 2017, the world's longest Titan-RT suspension bridge was opened in the Harz mountains in Germany. Its total length is 483 meters, suspended - 453 meters. The bridge is used only as an attraction and does not have any practical purpose. So far, longer suspension bridges have already been built in several countries around the world, including Germany, read more... |
Tetrahedron in Bottrop, Germany | Rating: 7.00 |
In 1995 the Beckstrasse slag heap in Bottrop was transformed into a landscape park. At its top, a gigantic construction (weighing 210 tons) in the form of a tetrahedron was installed. The structure serves as a viewing platform, read more... |
Bruno Weber Park, Switzerland | Rating: 6.60 |
Bruno Weber (1931 - 2011) is a Swiss architect and non-formal sculptor. After his death he left the house-workshop and a huge number of different mythical and fantastic sculptures, read more... |
Smarties wind turbine (Smarties am Turm), Germany | Rating: 6.40 |
There is an unusual wind turbine near Hannover. It is remarkable because it is decorated with lights in the style of children's candy. There is almost no information about it on the internet, but it can be seen from the A7 motorway. The dots light up when the windmill is spinning, and the harder it spins, the more they glow, read more... |
Wulingyuan (Avatar mountains), China | Rating: 6.20 |
Wulingyuan (武陵源) is the main natural attraction of China. Despite the difficult access, there are a lot of tourists here. ..., read more... |
Trail over the treetops in Bad Harzburg (Baumwipfelpfad), Germany | Rating: 6.20 |
In 2015, a new landmark opened in Bad Harzburg - the trail above the treetops. Such constructions are now opening across Europe, read more... |
Minden, Germany | Rating: 6.00 |
Minden is famous for its water bridge, one of the most unusual structures in Germany. Being 370 meters long, it's the ..., read more... |
Balconies of Valletta, Malta | Rating: 0.00 |
Tourists who come to Malta from the first day notice Maltese national asset - the balconies. They are the dominant ..., read more... |