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Norway > Rogaland > Manafossen waterfall

Manafossen waterfall

N 58°51.46', E 6°22.495'
Our rating: 7.20
Overall rating:
Manafossen - is a picturesque waterfall with a height of 92 meters. A distinctive feature is an excellent viewing platform, one of the best we've seen. From the parking lot to the viewing platform leads a fairly steep path, in many places it is necessary to climb using iron chains, hunging on the handrails. The difference in height is 250 meters, it took us 30 minutes to climb to the top.

In late August the waterfall was a fairly full-flowing, although in the spring it is even more impressive.

Monafossen waterfall
Monafossen waterfall ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: only by car, the nearest village is Frafjord.
Tags, Norway: waterfall

Tags, all countries: waterfall
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Our rating - 7.20
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
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Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
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