antique city - Greece
Athens | Rating: 6.60 |
During our first big trip around Greece, we skipped Athens. Came here later for the weekend. Visited only the major locations, but have formed an opinion about the city, read more... |
Delphi | Rating: 6.60 |
Delphi is an ancient Greek city included in the World Heritage List. It is located on the mountain slope, 10 kilometers away from the Gulf of Corinth. Near the ancient city there is a modern tourist town of the same name, read more... |
Sparta | Rating: 5.20 |
Thanks to the Internet, computer games and cinema, Sparta is perhaps the most famous ancient state, read more... |
Olympia | Rating: 4.80 |
Probably everyone in the world heard about the ancient Greek city of Olympia. This is not surprising, since this is the home of the first Olympic Games, read more... |