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Turkey > Mediterranean Region > Kemer


N 36°36.006', E 30°34.278'
Our rating: 6.20
Overall rating:

Kemer is a small tourist town on the southern coast, one of the most famous seaside resorts of Turkey. Kemer is very similar to the classic resorts, there are all the necessary attributes: sea, beach, hotels, restaurants, road and mountains.

Until the 1960s Kemer can be reached only by sea. But after Antalya has become quite famous resort here a highway to Kemer was built. Starting from the 1990s, Kemer has become one of the biggest tourist centers.

Most of the streets look like on the next photo. Note that there are no wires in the center, all communications are hidden under the ground.

Kemer ©FlankerFF / wikipedia.org

Along the sea runs promenade. Actually, beautiful promenade is one of the keys to the success of a good resort.

Promenade of Kemer
Promenade of Kemer ©FlankerFF / wikipedia.org

Kemer has pebble beach and because of that water is very clear. Mountains around the city create beautiful landscapes.

Kemer ©Yuriy Buriak

Kemer is a typical beach resort without historical attractions in the town. Main attractions are beach, promenade, restaurants. We hired bikes and drove around the town. There are no bike pathes outside the town, so have to go on the road.

Kemer ©Yuriy Buriak

Kemer ©Yuriy Buriak

Just do not run over a hedgehog :)

Kemer ©Yuriy Buriak

You can also take a walk on the territory of interesting hotels. We visited Orange Country Resort (came from the beach, map). This hotel is built in the style of Amsterdam and looks very nice, especially in the evening. We were in Kemer in 2008, perhaps since that time some new unusual hotels appeared.

Orange Country Resort
Orange Country Resort ©topvoyage.md

Map of Kemer
Map of Kemer ©@

Getting there: The nearest airport is in Antalya (60 km). By bus go to Antalya bus station and transfer to bus in the direction of Kemer, they run frequently and cost 5 euros. Taxi from the airport to Kemer cost 65-70 euros.

Tags, Turkey: beach, mountains, resort, sea

Tags, all countries: beach, mountains, resort, sea
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Our rating - 6.20
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

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Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
Location :

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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

State :

Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 1)

2020-02-02 15:58 # 1 Hanna
только после того как вас обманут на улице и вместо обещеной супер экскурсии вы получите ужасный сервер и далеко все не то, что вам показывали на картинках , не нужно бежать в вашим гидам и молить о помощи вернуть ваши деньги,потому что они не отвечают за все то , что происходи с вами за пределами отеля, а вы останетесь без денег и с неприятным вкусом и мнением об этом месте. Восток дело тонкое!

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Boat trip from Kemer

1.62 km


33.64 km


64.75 km


76.87 km

Manavgat Belediyesi beach

82.05 km

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