Atacama - Chile
Atacama Desert | Rating: 8.20 |
Atacama Desert is one of the three most famous places in Chile. It is located at a very high altitude and there is almost no rain here. In some places there was no rain for hundreds of years, read more... |
Miscanti Lagoon | Rating: 7.60 |
The Miscanti Lagoon is a very beautiful lake in the Atacama Desert, located at an altitude of about 4200 meters. Nearby there is a second lake, a smaller one - Laguna Miniques. They are called the Lagunas Altiplanicas, read more... |
Moon Valley in the Atacama Desert | Rating: 7.60 |
Moon valley (Valle de la Luna) is a part of the Atacama Desert with an unusual relief, which was formed due to prolonged exposure to water and wind. However water covered this place a long time ago when desert was the bottom of the ancient ocean. And now it is one of the driest places on earth, where precipitation practically does not happen, read more... |
Tebenquinche lake and Eyes of the Salt Pan | Rating: 7.40 |
Eyes of the Salt Pan (Ojos del Salar) are two small lakes with a fresh water located in the middle of the Atacama Desert. The visit is free, in the bigger one you can swim, read more... |
Geysers del Tatio | Rating: 7.20 |
Geysers del Tatio is one of the wonders of Chile. Located at an altitude of 4300 meters and are the third largest geyser field in the world. However, geysers in Kamchatka (Russia) can not be visited by mass tourist, due to the complete lack of infrastructure. So the Tatio geysers are the second place in the world, after Yellowstone (USA), where the large geyser field is easy accessible, read more... |
Salar de Tara lake | Rating: 7.00 |
Salar de Tara lake is a very unusual and quite inaccessible place in the Atacama desert. In our tourist career it was the most dangerous trip. And probably the most interesting, read more... |