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Ukraine > > 10 best tourist cities of Ukraine

10 best tourist cities of Ukraine

Ukraine is rather large country with many interesting places. We included in our list the most interesting and convenient touristic cities.

Any tourist rating is always controversial, most of such rankings are created by copywriters who just looking for pretty pictures on the internet. In our list we rely on the extensive experience of travel, so consider it objectively.

10. Ivano-Frankivsk

Regional center in western Ukraine with a cozy old town and unusual town hall. Little known among tourists and therefore deserves a visit.

City Hall, a symbol of the city
City Hall, a symbol of the city ©Yuriy Buriak

9. Kolomyia

Small town with well-preserved Austro-Hungarian center. Here is also a unique and the only in the world museum of "Easter egg".

Town Hall in Kolomyia
Town Hall in Kolomyia ©Yuriy Buriak

8. Yaremche

Hutsul tourist town in the Carpathians, the nearest large town to the main ski resort of the country - Bukovel. Famous for its traditional architecture and the largest souvenir market in the Carpathians.

Yaremche ©Nastya Myronets

7. Kharkiv

The second largest city in the country, the former capital. The central Freedom Square is one of the biggest in Europe. It in 2008 Queen with Paul Rogers gathered here the largest audience in the history of the group. Kharkiv is famous for monumental Stalinist architecture, as well as important symbol of "constructivism" style - building of Gosprom.

Gosprom (House of State Industry)
Gosprom (House of State Industry) ©Yuriy Buriak

6. Uzhgorod

The capital of the Carpathian Ukraine is known for cherry blossoms in May, the castle and wine festivals. There is also a lovely old town.

Uzhgorod ©Yuriy Buriak

5. Chernivtsi

Pretty unknown city, capital of the Bukovina region and cultural center of western Ukraine, along with Lviv. In 2012 was recognized the most comfortable city in the country. Known primarily for a luxurious building of the university, the former residence of the Metropolitan and UNESCO World Heritage site. Old Town is also beautiful.

Chernivtsi National University
Chernivtsi National University ©Yuriy Buriak

4. Kamianets-Podilskyi

Best small city in Ukraine. Rock towns are common for Italy or Spain, but in Ukraine it is very rare. Here is an oldest town hall in the country, a cozy old town and a fairy-tale castle.

Castle from the observation deck
Castle from the observation deck ©Yuriy Buriak

3. Odessa

City by the Sea, the birthplace of many famous Ukrainian immigrants and the capital of humor. Here is a special atmosphere, special people and special attitude to everything, you need to feel it. In early April Odessa helds the festival of humor.

Odessa sea port. Odessa hotel
Odessa sea port. Odessa hotel ©Yuriy Buriak

2. Lviv

Lviv's Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This city is very popular among Ukrainians from other cities who often come here for the weekend. Recently Lviv turned to the restaurant capital of the country, due to a network of unusual restaurants "!FEST".

Lviv Opera House
Lviv Opera House ©Yuriy Buriak

1. Kyiv

The capital of Ukraine and the most interesting city, cultural and spiritual capital of the country. Due to the hilly terrain, the town is very picturesque and has more than 20 lookouts. Please note that Kyiv is quite large and even the sightseeing tour takes 10 kilometers, so have at least 2 days for a visit.

View of the St. Michael's Cathedral from the Bell Tower of St. Sophia Cathedral
View of the St. Michael's Cathedral from the Bell Tower of St. Sophia Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 15)

2015-10-16 15:47 # 1 biletpoezd.com.ua
Был почти везде ) Красивая и большая Украина!

2016-01-13 08:36 # 2 maria
Яремче - прекрасное место для отдыха. Были с мужем, планируем вернуться туда снова. какая красивая природа, какие гостеприимные люди!

2016-06-09 11:03 # 3 Юля
Була в 7 з 10 міст. Живу з одному з них... Ніколи не перестану відкривати Україну для себе з нових сторін.

2016-06-28 22:12 # 4 Денис
Довелося мешкати в містах з 1 і 2 місцем в рейтингу. Шкода, що в рейтинг не потрапила Вінниця, яка стає дедалі популярнішою для внутрішнього туризму.
А взагалі гарний рейтинг, лишилося з’їздити в Яремче :)

2016-11-14 16:57 # 5 Ивано Иванов
Львів дуже гарне місто, ремонтквартир.укр, відвідайте, вам сподобається !

2017-03-01 11:54 # 6 Юлия
Одесса, Львов, Яремче, места где туризм наиболее развит , стоит посетить

2017-04-24 18:16 # 7 Я
Де Кам'янець Подільський

2017-04-24 18:18 # 8 Я
А є

2017-04-24 18:55 # 9 Даша
Я живу в Одессе! Не думала что наш город будит в 3 победителей!!!!!!!

2017-06-10 14:39 # 10 Olga
Где Полтава???

2017-06-13 22:34 # 11 Джастин Бибер
ГдеЗапорожье был В Одессе и Киеве ,Одесса лучше ,Запорожье лучшее

2017-09-30 11:51 # 12 люда
киев это ужас,для жизни, ни каких удобств...

2018-08-20 22:39 # 13 Ґрут
Сам родом з Одеси, як на мене вона значно програє Львову й Чернівцям. Старовинні будинки в жахливому стані і до того ж, як і в Києві, центр спаплюжений сучасними будівлями, прибудовами на кілька поверхів, балконаии з вагонки.

2018-10-24 12:51 # 14 Дмитрий
Был в 6 из 10.)

2018-10-31 20:39 # 15 Dmitro Zaicev
Особливо сподобалось у Івано-Франківську!Там і квартиру зняти подобово чудову на podobovo-ivano-frankivsk. com/nomera/

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