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Germany > > 15 best castles of Germany

15 best castles of Germany

Germany is a country of castles. More than 20000 of them are located here. Of course, most of castles are ruins. However, a huge number of beautiful castles are in excellent condition and available for visits. Some castles are interesting due to scenic location, the other due to their history.

Any tourist rating is always controversial, most of such rankings are created by copywriters who just looking for pretty pictures on the internet. In our list we rely on the extensive experience of travel, so consider it objectively.

15. Granitz Castle

The most popular castle in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, built in the style of the castles of northern Italy.

Granitz castle
Granitz castle ©Yuriy Buriak

14. Lowenburg castle

The castle looks like a real fortress with a moat and a drawbridge. Despite the fact that it has no rich history, it looks great. The contents of the castle are mostly 16-17 century armour and weapons.

Loewenburg Castle
Loewenburg Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

13. Marksburg Castle

Along the Rhine Valley is a huge number of castles. Marksburg is the most significant and spectacular and the only one among them that was never destroyed.

Marksburg castle
Marksburg castle ©wikipedia.org

12. Wartburg Castle

The main castle in Germany from the point of view of history, it was founded in 1067. Here are preserved the original rooms where lived nobles of XII-XIII centuries.

Wartburg Castle
Wartburg Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

11. Lichtenstein Castle

Fairytale castle, located on a cliff top. Inside is a large collection of historical weapons and armor.

Lichtenstein Castle
Lichtenstein Castle ©wikipedia.org

10. Eltz Castle

Fairytale castle, located on the picturesque glade in the forest, never was destroyed or captured. A beautiful example of knight's castle.

Eltz Castle
Eltz Castle ©Carschten, wikipedia.org

9. Wernigerode Castle

Despite the fact that after the war many things, including a library of 100,000 volumes, were taken to the Soviet Union as a war trophy, the castle from outside and inside looks exactly like a perfect castle.

View of the Wernigerode Castle from Harburg
View of the Wernigerode Castle from Harburg ©Yuriy Buriak

8. Anholt Castle

One of the region's few privately owned castles. Thanks to Prince Nikolaus of Salm-Salm, the moated castle now serves as a museum and as a hotel. Very beautiful place.

Anholt castle
Anholt castle ©Yuriy Buriak

7. Palace and park complex in Bad Muskau

A complex of several buildings, originally built for defensive purposes. Now it is one of the largest English-style parks in Central Europe.

Palace and park in Bad Muskau
Palace and park in Bad Muskau ©Yuriy Buriak

6. Wewelsburg Castle

Another less known castle, having an interesting history. In 1933, Heinrich Himmler founded here a school for the training of the SS. Later the castle was chosen by the Nazis as a center for the future world and here were built several occult premises, the purpose of which can only solved by Indiana Jones.

Wewelsburg Castle
Wewelsburg Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

5. Cochem Castle

The picturesque castle with a thousand-year history, located on the hill above the Mosel river.

Cochem Castle
Cochem Castle ©@

4. Moritzburg Castle

Picturesque residence of the Saxon electors, known to many by the movie "Three Nuts for Cinderella".

Moritzburg castle
Moritzburg castle ©Yuriy Buriak

3. Schwerin Castle

The castle is located in the north of Germany and not well known to tourists. It stands on an artificial island and looks extremely photogenic from almost any angle.

Schwerin Castle
Schwerin Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

2. Hohenzollern Castle

Major royal residence in Germany, located on the top of a mountain at an altitude of 855 meters. The exposition of the castle houses many historical artifacts.

Hohenzollern Castle
Hohenzollern Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

1. Neuschwanstein Castle

The most famous and most visited castle in the world. Was built in 1869-1886 by King of Bavaria, Ludwig II, who received a nickname "fairytale king" because of his beautiful castles. The construction stopped in 1886 because of the king's arrest and announcement of his insanity.

Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

Tags, Germany: castle

Tags, all countries: castle
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Comments (Total: 7)

2014-11-04 08:15 # 1 Evgeny Shatohin
Какая красота !!!

2016-03-19 07:11 # 2 Ананим
Мне 10 лет ну я хочу в нимеччину ну какая красата

2017-06-23 17:27 # 3 Jirom
Еще обязательно стоит посетить замок Альтенштайн! Он находится около горы Заксе-Майнинген. Панорама там великолепная! https://be-traveller.ru/zamok-altenshtajn

2019-01-31 11:44 # 4 сергей
дас ист гут !

2019-04-27 05:39 # 5 Татьяна
Очень люблю замки и всегда мечтала побывать в них!

2019-08-04 00:19 # 6 Володимир Іванович
Це приклад,як треба любити свій край і шанувати його історію...

2019-12-20 18:02 # 7 Анонім
Ці замки ніби залишилися в ті часи коли вони будувались

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