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Ukraine > Chernihiv Region > Chernihiv


N 51°29.704', E 31°17.333'
2006-10-01, 2014-06-23
Our rating: 8.20
Overall rating:

Chernihiv is the birthplace of famous Ukrainian beer and a small and cozy city located on the banks of the Desna river. The city is full of churches. There's also a religious pilgrimage point, St. Anthony Caves. In general, Chernihiv is perfect for day trips from Kyiv.

©Yuriy Buriak

Start with sightseeing on the central Krasna Square, one of the largest squares in Ukraine.

Krasna Square with the Schevchenko Theater
Krasna Square with the Schevchenko Theater ©Yuriy Buriak

Krasna Square
Krasna Square ©Yuriy Buriak

Krasna Square
Krasna Square ©Yuriy Buriak

House in the downtown
House in the downtown ©Yuriy Buriak

Behind the theater you can find a monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky and the Pyatnytska Church.

Monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky
Monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky ©Yuriy Buriak

Pyatnytska Church (late XII century – early XIII century)
Pyatnytska Church (late XII century – early XIII century) ©Yuriy Buriak

There's also a small park full of squirrels.

©Yuriy Buriak

Next stop is the city wall. From there you can see several cathedrals and churches.

Chernihiv Collegium (1702)
Chernihiv Collegium (1702) ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Catherine's Cathedral
St. Catherine's Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Catherine's Cathedral
St. Catherine's Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Borys and Gleb Cathedral (1120-1123)
St. Borys and Gleb Cathedral (1120-1123) ©Yuriy Buriak

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral is a burial place of Prince Igor Siversky. He was mentioned in an ancient epic poem "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral (1033)
Savior Transfiguration Cathedral (1033) ©Yuriy Buriak

On the wall you can take an interesting picture of the church and guns. Both are "influence", although it's different.

St. Catherine's Cathedral and a gun
St. Catherine's Cathedral and a gun ©Yuriy Buriak

Guns on the city wall
Guns on the city wall ©Yuriy Buriak

The Taras Shevchenko monument on the picture is not as large as in real life.

Monument to Taras Shevchenko
Monument to Taras Shevchenko ©Yuriy Buriak

You can go downstairs to the waterfront and ride a boat along the Desna river.

Stairs leading to the waterfront
Stairs leading to the waterfront ©Yuriy Buriak

Bridge over the Desna river
Bridge over the Desna river ©Yuriy Buriak

Next move towards the Holy Trinity Monastery. You can take a trolleybus or taxi there. On your way you will find a monument to the Unknown Soldier, Illyinsky Monastery and St. Anthony Caves.

Boldina Hill, monument to the Unknown Soldier
Boldina Hill, monument to the Unknown Soldier ©Yuriy Buriak

Ilyinsky Monastery (XII – XVIII)
Ilyinsky Monastery (XII – XVIII) ©Yuriy Buriak

St. Anthony Caves (1069)
St. Anthony Caves (1069) ©Yuriy Buriak

In the Trinity Monastery you can climb the tower and see the city panorama.

Bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral
Bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral ©Yuriy Buriak

View from the Trinity Cathedral bell tower
View from the Trinity Cathedral bell tower ©Yuriy Buriak

Trinity Cathedral (1679 – 1695)
Trinity Cathedral (1679 – 1695) ©Yuriy Buriak

June 2014

We stopped in Chernihiv to see former estate of landlord Grigory Glibov. It is located behind the Chernihiv Technological University (Shevchenko str., 97). Throughout the city appeared tourist signs and informational boards in Ukrainian and English languages.

Усадьба Глебова
Усадьба Глебова ©Yuriy Buriak

The estate is located in the park, the distinguishing feature is a tower like in the castle.

Усадьба Глебова
Усадьба Глебова ©Yuriy Buriak

Усадьба Глебова
Усадьба Глебова ©Yuriy Buriak

Усадьба Глебова
Усадьба Глебова ©Yuriy Buriak

Усадьба Глебова
Усадьба Глебова ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: By car or minibus from the Chernihivska metro station in Kyiv. Or by train, but the schedule is inconvenient, so better go by minibus.

Tags, Ukraine: cathedral, church, city

Tags, all countries: cathedral, church, city
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Our rating - 8.20
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 10)

2013-06-07 15:36 # 1 greenever
Площа називається Красною, а не Червоною, і ця назва ніяк не стосується радянської влади.

2013-06-08 08:17 # 2 Юрий Буряк
Дякую, підправив. Чернігів був першим місцем, яке ми відвідали, гадаю, треба навідатись знову :)

2014-04-29 16:49 # 3 Онотоле
Тоді не площа, а майдан! В українській мові слово "площа" використовується лише для геометричних позначень. Усе інше - майдани!

2015-12-09 10:28 # 4 Небайдужий
Садиба Григорія ГлЄбова, а не ГлІбова

2015-12-09 22:47 # 5 Юрий Буряк
2 Небайдужий
Специально для вас в статье есть фото таблички

2016-11-13 20:02 # 6 Денис Литвиненко
Мені пощастило, що я народівся в Чернігові. Обожнюю це місто!!!

2017-05-05 15:40 # 7 Гельмут Коль
Дякую за підбірку!1

2017-08-22 11:55 # 8 ніна
У Чернігові найсимпатичніший пам"ятник молодому Тарасу Шевченку! Дуже позитивний! Приїздіть усі і дивіться:)))

2018-10-22 19:40 # 9 саша

2020-05-06 13:00 # 10 ShopAvto
Мені також пощастило що я народився в Чернігові, доречі язаймаюсь автовикупом shopavto

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