Cave city

abandoned places airplanes airshow amphitheater amusements animals anomaly antique city aquarium balloon bay beach bike botanical garden bridge buddhist temple canyon cape casino castle cathedral cave Cave city cemetery christmas christmas market church church circus city dam desert dinosaurs dungeon estate f1 powerboat world cup fachwerk town festivals filming location fireworks fjord flowers football forest fortress fountain funicular galapagos geyser glacier height hiking hindu temple historic town hot air balloon hotel hundertwasser hydroelectric power station ice sculptures insects interesting transport island lake lavra lighthouse military facility mine mineral spring monastery monument mosque motorsport mountains museum mushrooms natural wonder observation deck observatory oysters palace park playground pool quadrocopter quarry rafting reserve resort river river transport rocks ruins safari sakura salt mines sculptures sea ships skansen ski lift sky lanterns spring stadium stones street-art stroll sunset tea factory theater thermal spring third reich town hall unusual buildings unusual hotels of the world unusual structures volcano waterfall waterpark wine winery winter sports world cup zoo
Rating: 6.40

Vardzia is a large cave monastery complex of XII-XIII centuries. It is approximately 1 km long and is located on ... read more...