Norway > Hordaland > Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Our rating: 7.00
The most famous and popular place in Norway for hikers.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

It is curious that in 2010 when we were in this region, we did not even know about this rock. Actually it was known only to few people at those time. The rock became popular in 2012, when instagram appeared and Tripadvisor mentioned this place among the most unusual in the world.

A walk is usually possible from June 15 to September 15. We were there on June 27 and the trail was perfect. After a 33-kilometer hike in Patagonia, when we hardly got to the car, we began to prepare for this hike in a month.

But as it turned out, in good weather this route is quite simple. Its main difficulty is the length, but the path itself is very simple - no huge stones or a difficult surface, no problems with height. Most of the way you will walk along the flat areas with small ups and downs. For example, the route to the KjeragBolten is only 11 kilometers, but we were as tired as after Trolltunga.

In the evening we checked in to the Trolltunga Guesthouse ( This is the closest hotel to the route, quite large. It has studio with kitchen and free parking. In the hotel saw an interesting announcement.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

Wow! A new road to the upper parking lot of Magelitopp has opened! There is a space for 30 cars on the top, the road is open from 6 am, price 60 EUR (2018).

To be among these 30 cars we got up early in the morning. The driving time from the hotel in Tyssedal to the lower parking lot (Skjeggedal) is about 20 minutes. When you arrive go straight to the barrier (N 60 08.024 E 6 37.584, google.maps) and wait till 6 a.m. At 5:30 in the morning we were fourth in line. Even at 6 am there were no 30 cars. But keep in mind that very few people know about this option, since it has just appeared. It is possible that in the future there will be 30 cars already at 5 in the morning.

If you do not get into these 30 cars, then park on the lower parking N 60 07.967 E 6 37.538 for 50 EUR. Either go on foot 4 kilometers to the top parking, or as can be seen from the announcement buy an online ticket for a bus that runs from July 2 to September 16.

The main part of the path which starts from the upper parking is 10 kilometers long in one direction. When we were returning down by car we saw hundreds of people who went all the way on foot. They were so tired that asked us to give them a ride down. Therefore try to get to the top parking lot by car or bus.

Full route took us 10 hours (8 hours walking, 2 hours on site). If you go from the lower parking then add another 2.5 - 3 hours. Therefore if your do not spend a night near Trolltunga then you need to start no later than 9-10 am.

There is nothing much to write about the path itself as it is well marked and not difficult if there is no rain. Despite this fact do not relax as several dozens of tired tourists are evacuated from the trail every year. Bring sandwiches and a half-liter water bottle with you, you will collect water in the streams along the way. And, of course, good shoes are required!

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

Nice views of the Ringedalsvatnet lake on the way.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

Despite the fact that we were one of the first to start, the place near the Trolltunga was already crowded. Many people were faster or spent the night in tents.

On site tourists are doing famous photos.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

There is a line of people

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

We were in the line few times and even made our photo from the drone.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

The way we sit in the previous photo is pretty safe. Although many do different crazy tricks on the edge of the tongue. Consider that many such photos are photoshoped. After the appearance of one of these photos on the Internet the idiotic flash mob began. People do not understand that the trick was done by a professional climber with safety equipment. Unfortunately in photos that have spread on the Internet the ropes were removed. And now many people are trying to repeat this trick.

Magnus Midtbø hanging on Trolltunga

Magnus Midtbø hanging on Trolltunga ©@

There have already been tragic incidents and no one can help you if you fall from a huge height.

It is curious that from a different angle you can never guess that this is the Trolltunga. And the rock itself does not look dangerous.

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

Views of the lake

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga)

Troll Tongue (Trolltunga) ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: Lower parking N 60 07.967 E 6 37.538. Upper parking N 60 08.024 E 6 37.584 (only the first 30 cars from 6 am). On the shuttle from Odda for 25 EUR ( There is also a public bus from Odda to Skjeggedal for 5 EUR, check the schedule here Find on the same website information about buses from Bergen to Odda. From Oslo you can get by train to Voss (, then by bus to Odda ( The nearest settlement to the start of the trail is Tyssedal (7 km).

Tags, Norway: mountains, observation deck, stroll
Tags, all countries: mountains, observation deck, stroll
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