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Germany > Bavaria > Neuschwanstein Castle > Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle

N 47°33.448', E 10°44.985'
Our rating: 8.40
Overall rating:

Neuschwanstein Castle is one of the most visited tourist sites in Germany and the most popular castle in Europe. The castle was built in 1869-1886 by King of Bavaria, Ludwig II, who received a nickname "fairytale king" because of his beautiful castles. The construction stopped in 1886 because of the king's arrest and announcement of his insanity. On June 11, in Neuschwanstein, where he had lived for several years, the charges were read. The first charge was that Ludwig II had built an excessive amount of "useless" castles, spending huge amounts of money from the treasury. Also he was accused of homosexuality. On June 14, under mysterious circumstances, the king was found dead in the water of the Starnberg lake.

Today, more than 1.4 million tourists annually come to see the "useless" castle. The place was chosen perfectly. But the rocky walls should be periodically strengthened, and because of that the castle is often under reconstruction, so check the webcam before visiting.

During the construction of the castle, the most modern technology of that time was used. For example, a steam crane was built to facilitate the transportation of materials to the construction site. For the same purpose the locomobiles were used - mobile steam engines, prototype of cars. In addition, the latest technologies were installed in the building itself, being invisible to the viewer: plumbing, central heating, electrical phones etc. All of that functioned during the life of Ludwig II and provided a comfortable stay in the castle.

Neuschwanstein never was a real "castle", as it had no defensive functions. It's just an incredibly beautiful whim of the king. In spite of the fact that from the outside it looks finished, many things failed to finish, such as a 90-meter tower with a church. If you get on a tour, you will see only a few rooms of the 360 that exist in the castle, the rest just haven't been finished. Perhaps, if the king hadn't regularly reviewed a project because of his visions, now we would have seen a slightly different Neuschwanstein.

One of the rooms will surprise any visitor. This is an artificial cave inside the castle.

The Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland is a result of Walt Disney's inspiration by Neuschwanstein.

The main reason for the castle's popularity among tourists is its stunning photogenicity. By climbing the slopes of the surrounding mountains you can find hundreds of different angles to make pictures. The main observation deck is the Marienbruecke Bridge where buses bring tourists. We went down a different path, which starts near the castle. Running between the cliffs and waterfalls, this path is beautiful and uncrowded.

There is another castle near Neuschwanstein - Hohenschwangau, built in 1832-1836 by the father of Ludwig II, Maximillian II of Bavaria. The castle is beautiful and if it was in any other place in Germany, it would definitely be popular. But standing between the two castles, it's clear which one will be chosen by mass tourist.

Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

Marienbruecke Bridge
Marienbruecke Bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

Marienbruecke Bridge
Marienbruecke Bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

Hohenschwangau Castle
Hohenschwangau Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

Hohenschwangau Castle
Hohenschwangau Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

View from the Neuschwanstein Castle
View from the Neuschwanstein Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the cable car to mount Tegelberg
Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the cable car to mount Tegelberg ©Yuriy Buriak

Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the cable car to mount Tegelberg
Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the cable car to mount Tegelberg ©Yuriy Buriak

View from the Neuschwanstein Castle
View from the Neuschwanstein Castle ©Yuriy Buriak

View from the Marienbruecke Bridge
View from the Marienbruecke Bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

On the way down
On the way down ©Yuriy Buriak

On the way down
On the way down ©Yuriy Buriak

Marienbruecke Bridge
Marienbruecke Bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

On the way down
On the way down ©Yuriy Buriak

Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the upper observation deck
Neuschwanstein Castle, view from the upper observation deck ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: First by train to Füssen, about 2 hours from Munich. Then by bus #78 to the Hohenschwangau, Schwangau (Schlösser) stop. When you exit the train, be quick, as everybody will go to the bus.

Tags, Germany: castle, height, mountains, observation deck

Tags, all countries: castle, height, mountains, observation deck
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Our rating - 8.40
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Visitor's rating - 0.00
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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

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2017-06-18 18:01 # 1 Jirom
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