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Ukraine > Kyiv Region > Fortified Bunkers of Kyiv (South)

Fortified Bunkers of Kyiv (South)

N 50°19.232', E 30°23.276'
Our rating: 6.80
Overall rating:

After World War I many countries began construction of fortified lines of defense. Soviet Union began construction of the "Stalin Line" consisting of dozens of fortified areas. The largest of these was Kyiv line, built in 1928-1937. It included about 300 concrete machine-gun and artillery bunkers (in Russian and Ukrainian "DOT").

Nowadays about 85 bunkers are in more or less normal state. All of them are located around Kyiv, and you can get to them even by city transport. Near the bunkers you can find numbers, but they are wrong. Most researchers use different numbering. The most complete map of the bunkers was drafted in 2004, use it (unfortunately, it's available only in Russian).

Map of the Kyiv fortification objects
Map of the Kyiv fortification objects ©poshyk.com.ua

Our route. Red lines - by minibuses, green - on foot. Locations on the map can be found here.


Investigation and reconstruction of the bunkers is engaged by the Kyiv historical and patriotic club "Poshuk" ("Search", their page on Facebook). This is a non-governmental organization which does all restoration and repair works at their own expense. At the time of our walk we met guys who were engaged in restoring the bunker #152 (Wikimapia). They are planning to open a museum on the basis of the bunker.

Reconstruction of the bunker #152
Reconstruction of the bunker #152 ©Yuriy Buriak

Such museum was opened in the bunker #180 (Wikimapia). Previously it was the cellar of a local resident.

Bunker #180
Bunker #180 ©Yuriy Buriak

Bullet traces on the bunker #180
Bullet traces on the bunker #180 ©Yuriy Buriak

©Yuriy Buriak

Information on this poster describes one of the largest bunkers - #205 (Wikimapia). Total length of the galleries is 358 meters. Currently, the bunker is semiflooded and it's being cleared. The museum is also planned, and when it happens, this object will become a must-see place.

©Yuriy Buriak

The bunkers are quite difficult to find, there are no pointers to them. The best option would be to search Google for the coordinates using numbers (copy this and change the number "Дот №180"). On the map below the page we put a bunker #211, which is also quite large, interesting, and built as an individual project (Wikimapia). Get out at the "Vita Poshtova" stop, near the bridge over the Odessa highway. The bunker is to the right, about 100 meters away. You'll find it by the plate with the number 100, which is wrong, and the monument made of artillery shells.

Near the bunker #211
Near the bunker #211 ©Yuriy Buriak

There are three entrances to the bunker, the first one is a hole in the ground. There are two other entrances behind the hill, one of which is pretty well cleared.

One of the entrances to the bunker #211
One of the entrances to the bunker #211 ©Yuriy Buriak

You'll need a good flashlight and preferably not too elegant clothes. However, we were careful enough and managed to stay clean.

In the bunker #211
In the bunker #211 ©Yuriy Buriak

On the other side of the highway near the road to Kruglik is the bunker #179 (Wikimapia). It's perfectly preserved and has two levels.

Going down to ground floor of the bunker #179
Going down to ground floor of the bunker #179 ©Yuriy Buriak

Holes in the roof of the bunker #179 for antenna and periscope
Holes in the roof of the bunker #179 for antenna and periscope ©Yuriy Buriak

Near the Odessa highway is another bunker, #210 (Wikimapia) that was blown up. Go to the red plaque near the highway (ask the driver to stop near the "Kurgan" or DOT #210).

Bunker #210
Bunker #210 ©Yuriy Buriak

Bullet traces on the bunker #210
Bullet traces on the bunker #210 ©Yuriy Buriak

Traces of large-caliber bullets on the bunker #210
Traces of large-caliber bullets on the bunker #210 ©Yuriy Buriak

Path to the bunker #210
Path to the bunker #210 ©Yuriy Buriak

Most bunkers have "standard" form, and we are interested in unusual structures, such as the only remaining full-metal bunker #131 (Wikimapia). It is located in the Kremenysche village and can be reached by minibus to Kruglik that leaves from the Lybidska metro station. Then you can either walk or take another minibus to Kremenysche. The structure itself is behind a black metal fence between the people's houses. The bunker is now cleared, although sometimes a little flooded, be careful. The etrance is below; use the metal ladder to get to the top.

Bunker #131
Bunker #131 ©Yuriy Buriak

Consequences of grenade explosion in the bunker #131
Consequences of grenade explosion in the bunker #131 ©Yuriy Buriak

Bunker #131
Bunker #131 ©Yuriy Buriak

In the Kruglik village, not far from the bunker #152 you can find the bunker #151 (Wikimapia). The road goes through a small dump. The bunker has an interesting long entrance tunnel and a massive door to the main room.

Massive door in the bunker #151
Massive door in the bunker #151 ©Yuriy Buriak

One of the most beautiful bunkers (if you can ever call a bunker beautiful) is located on the pond near the Hodosivka village. This is the bunker #127 (Wikimapia). You can get there from the Vydubychi metro station by minibus #738 (#735) "Vydubychi - Hodosivka/Pidgirtsi." Ask the driver to stop before Hodosivka ("pered Hodosivka" in Ukrainian) near the beach ("plyazh") and the bunker on the lake ("dot na ozeri"). Or just print the picture below and show it to the driver.

Bunker #127
Bunker #127 ©Yuriy Buriak

From Kruglik to Hodosivka we went on foot. We found some more bunkers and remains of an unfinished railway from 1914-15 (Wikimapia).

Unfinished railroad bridge
Unfinished railroad bridge ©Yuriy Buriak

Bunker #128
Bunker #128 ©Yuriy Buriak

Bunker #129
Bunker #129 ©Yuriy Buriak

Symbols of the USSR on the bunker #129
Symbols of the USSR on the bunker #129 ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: To see the main bunkers of the southern section, you need to go to the Odessa highway. From the central railway station take a bus #726 to Kalynivka or take any bus to Vita-Poshtova (e.g. #801) from the Lybidska metro station.

If you go by car, use this map.

Tour for a day (our map at the beginning of the article): go by bus to 210 (although it can be skipped), then also by bus to 211, walk to 180, return to the highway, cross the road over the bridge, then go in the direction of Kruglik, look at 179. Continue by minibus to Kruglik or go on foot (5 km). In Kruglik take a look at 152 and 151. Then go to the Kremenysche village to see 131. Then you can return to Kyiv by minibus or continue to Hodosivka. On your way find 128, 129 and 127. After the lake and 127 return to Kyiv by minibus to the Vydubychi metro station.

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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Our rating - 6.80
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

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* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
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Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :

State :

Picturesque (for the photographer) :

* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help

Comments (Total: 5)

2013-06-23 04:34 # 1 Павел Нетесов
ДОТ 179 начал новую жизнь!!! 204-й, 205-й, 180-й, 186-й, 179-й- это заслуга ребят из Цитадели. клуб пОШУК к этому не имеет никакого отношения. Подробно, по каждому дню работ можно узнать здесь-http://relicfinder.io.ua/ Уважайте безкорыстный труд тех, кто любит Украину и борется НЕ НА СЛОВАХ за ее будушее. Не давайте всяким депутатам присвоить этот изнурительный труд. Клуб с почти 40-ка летней историей, членом кторого я являюсь вот уже 15 лет возглавил и прихватизировал депутат Киево- Святошинского района крыжевич Святослав. Все кто имеет ЧЕСТЬ и СОВЕСТЬ с клуба ушли. Все ветераны ушли с тридцатилетним стажем. На КиУРе они работают- делают 152-ц АППК

2013-07-26 18:17 # 2 Валентин
Большое Спасибо за поиск и восстановление ДОТов...Сегодня с внуками обошел основные ДОТы возле Виты Почтовой (210, 179 )... Ухожено, расчищено, ранее видел и возле Круглика.

2013-08-21 14:51 # 3 МАИФ Цитадель
Еще про работу МАИФ Цитадель - http://reibert.info/attachments/get-jpg.1894070/

2014-11-25 23:33 # 4 ГРП
Дуже цінуємо вашу роботу але вішання замків на доти під будь яким приводом це самоуправство замки будуть регулярно зніматися! Доти мають бути доступними для всіх там нема чого красти! Група Радикальних Патріотів

2015-03-15 20:06 # 5 Vatajok
Нема чого красти, але можна наср..ти i насц..ти.

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