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Germany > Saxony > Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)

N 50°49.002', E 12°32.31'
Our rating: 7.80
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There was a noble residence on the site from 1174, but no information about the date of construction of the original castle has survived, and it is known from indirect facts from the history of other castles.

The castle was built by the Lords of Schönburg, who were one of the oldest Saxon noble families and had held direct imperial possessions since the 12th century, meaning that they were subject only to the emperor, exercised their own territorial sovereignty and thus belonged to the highest nobility. The castle became the center of their new domain of Glauchau.

The modern castle in Glauchau was built in 1470. It became a residential palace with late Gothic arched windows, lancet arched portals, a ballroom and a palace chapel. Some other elements, such as stepped gables decorated with scrolls or a beautiful bay window, appeared in the Renaissance.

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Curiously, what you see in the previous photo is actually two castles - the Front Castle (Forderglauchau) and the Rear Castle (Hinterglauchau). Originally they were separated by a moat with water.

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

The rear castle has undergone extensive building and restoration work, especially in the 19th century. At the moment, the inner courtyards look stunningly picturesque.

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

The Schönburg dynasty, which had shaped the cultural character of the region since the 12th century, lost its economic and political dominance during the 19th century, but remained the largest landowner until 1945.

Since 1940, the castle has been home to a museum that introduces visitors to the history of the town and Glauchau Castle.

Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau)
Glauchau castle (Schloss Glauchau) ©Yuriy Buriak

For opening hours, see the official website.

Getting there: parking lot 50.814778, 12.537806. The Glauchau (Sachs) train station is 2 km from the castle.
Tags, Germany: castle

Tags, all countries: castle
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Our rating - 7.80
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